Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1098 Women disguised as men: the favor of powerful ministers (99)

Xie Nanning pursed her lips. This was Jiaoyang's secret. How could he tell it?

"Nanning, not everything in this life will go as you want. Grandma respects your wishes, but you can't be unfaithful, unjust and unfilial, and can't be sorry to those around you who care about you. You have to know that your father has worked so hard to You weren’t raised so that you could kill everyone now!”

The old lady was naturally the rescuer brought in by several smart servants this time, because they knew the old lady's position in the young master's heart.

But what they didn't expect was Jiaoyang's position in the young master's heart.

Xie Nanning clutched his hands tightly, not speaking because of shame, ashamed of his grandmother's words, and guilty of what he had to insist on next.

Of course he knew that everything could not go smoothly in this life. He knew better than anyone else that he only wanted her.

After arriving at the back, Xie Nanning simply closed his eyes again, gritted his teeth, and remained unmoved.

The Marquis of Guangping couldn't bear to see him like this, and angrily scolded him: "How long are you going to keep fooling around!"

Xie Nanning sneered in his heart, of course he wouldn't understand someone as ruthless as him.

"Either you kill me, I won't marry anyone but her."

"How could you be so unreasonable!" Guangping Hou's blood surged up in his chest, and he directly raised the steel bar and threw it at him.

Xie Nanning knelt there straight, refusing to hide. The sound of cracking bones came from his body. More and more blood flowed on the ground, and he became paler.

"Stop, stop! I order you to stop!" The old lady cried and knelt down, everyone was shocked.

"Old madam, this is absolutely impossible!" The surrounding maids and servants knelt on the ground. This scene was absurd and ridiculous.

The bull-faced man's eyes widened and he was unable to react to the unexpected scene for a moment, and his remaining pupils kept trembling.

The old lady knelt outside her grandson and couldn't help but kowtow to him. There was a continuous "bang bang bang" sound, and soon her tears mixed with the blood of her broken head: "Master, please accept the imperial edict and give me a A way to survive, and a way to survive for everyone in the Hou family!"

Seeing that they couldn't persuade the old lady, everyone knelt down as well, kneeling in a row to face the young master, and all banged their heads on the ground!

"Master, please accept the imperial edict and leave a way for the Hou Mansion to survive!"

The bull-faced man closed his eyes numbly, his heart still sinking deeper and deeper.

The old Marquis of Guangping burst into tears and threw away the steel bar in his hand: "Tell me, are you willing or not?"

"My son doesn't want to!" The rejection was clear and crisp, the voice was slightly trembling, but there was no hesitation.

"You are really crazy! There are so many people in the entire Marquis Mansion, as well as your grandmother, your father and I. The combined lives are not as good as that of one woman!"

The bull-faced man opened his eyes and looked up at the sky, his eyes numb and empty.


He heard his inner voice. He promised her, he finally pulled her out of that dark place, he pulled her out with his own hands, how could he watch her fall again. How could he, like her brother, hurt her a second time? If so, he couldn't imagine what would happen to her.

If he had only one hand, he would definitely hold her. Just like what Sheng Yuzhi said to her on her wedding day: Sheng Jiaoyang, I care about you, and the person I care about the most is you.

Even if one day the sun no longer rises and the lakes in Xiao Country dry up, I will still love you.

Did you hear it? The voice I speak to you.

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