Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 1139 Like the Beginning and the End (The Finale)

"Host, all the missions that belong to you have been completed, and then you have two opportunities to choose. One: to be reborn, you can choose any identity to return to your world; two: you can also choose any one of you The small world that I have experienced before, living with those people in the small world."

Jiao Yang bent her lips and smiled, put on her sunglasses: "I choose three."

"Host?" The system was puzzled.

Jiao Yang smiled again, and continued: "I choose three, and the mission continues."

Now the system is even more confused.

"Do you know why I always have a bad memory?" Jiao Yang smiled, "Because I never remember what happened in the past."

"The past is in the past. I don't remember much of what happened. What should I go back to? The past is called the past for a reason."

She is not someone who is desperately doing tasks because she has some obsessions, in order to go back. She just found it novel and fun.

So far she hasn't gotten tired of playing, and she doesn't want to have that day in the future, because if so, it means that she will usher in a long period of boring days.

Not every child who runs away wants to go home.

The system is confused.

Jiaoyang is in a good mood thinking about the fun days ahead. After thinking about it, she began to worry about her status as a "worker in time and space". Compared with "worker", she still prefers "free people", which is typical of being good-looking when she gets cheap.

After a while, she began to smile sweetly at the intelligent system: "Do you want to stay with me forever? Just like this for the rest of your life."

The system is stunned, it doesn't understand what "thinking" is.

Jiaoyang didn't care what it was thinking, she smiled bewitchingly, cupped her chin, and continued in a sweet voice: "But I don't know if people from the Space-Time Management Bureau agree or not, I heard that every system will be formatted when it goes back. , will erase all your memories about me, are you willing to become like this?"


"Goodbye, Space-Time Administration."

Before severing contact, in the last shot, Jiao Yang waved triumphantly.

But there was one thing she didn't lie to it, she really didn't remember much about the past.

Jiaoyang didn't have a father before the age of thirteen, and after the age of thirteen she had a father, but lost her mother.

Her father is one of the world's three famous chaebol holders, and her mother is a popular actress. After finding out she was pregnant, she secretly gave birth to the child and raised her. After she died of depression, Jiao Yang was taken back to the Sheng family by her father.

Everyone in that world knew that the famous actress Bai Weiwei jumped to her death after suffering from depression. But they didn't know that when Bai Weiwei committed suicide, Jiaoyang was standing behind her.

Jiaoyang still doesn't understand to this day, we are not gods, we cannot deprive people of the right to live, and why should we prevent people from dying.

Everything in Jiaoyang's life that was taken into Sheng's family was perfect, everything went smoothly, and she lived more and more unscrupulously.

Dad told her that the law can only restrain those who can be bound by the law, and they can have whatever they want.

Jiao Yang really got what she wanted, maybe it was too easy to get everything, and she would get bored very quickly.

Dad has many women outside, Jiao Yang knows it. She never cared, as long as she was the only child it was enough. Of course, occasionally there will be a woman she doesn't like, and someone will help her deal with it. If it doesn't work, just ask someone from the group of friends to seduce her, and then throw the evidence in front of Dad, and let him clean it up portal.

On this point, Jiao Yang is on the side of her father. It doesn't matter if there are many women, it's better than mother sticking to one man all her life and losing her life in the end.

Jiaoyang can't understand her mother, at least she can understand her father. So she must be a good kid, huh!

By the end, she was really tired. As for agreeing to get engaged to that man, it was entirely a whim on her mind, and she wanted to change her life experience.

If she feels that she is not as good as before after the experience, or if she regrets halfway, it is possible, she can do it.

Come on, she is Sheng Jiaoyang, the Sheng Jiaoyang who is loved by so many people, Sheng Jiaoyang who has everything, can reach the top in the entertainment industry if she goes to the entertainment circle, Sheng Jiaoyang who wins prizes and is soft-handed, she is wayward What's wrong at one o'clock? She is so worthy of being loved, why can't she love herself a little more? Who cares what other people think.

When we come to this world, we take a quick look at eighty years, and we only live once. We are here to live our own lives well, not to consider other people's lives, and we can do what she wants.

But later, before she could reach a result, she was forced to stop, but she came to more novel and interesting places, so why did she go back?

She will keep going, the future is waiting for her.

Looking at the little girl in front of him, the system inexplicably felt warm in his heart. It's really strange, obviously it's just a string of data, and the data has no heart.

But seeing her lost in thought, it still couldn't help asking: "Host, are you missing the past?"

you go.

No matter how far you go, I will accompany you.

"No," Jiao Yang pulled away from the memories, and shook her fingers with a smile, "It's not nostalgia, it's just a memory."

The sun is fine today, as bright as ever.

Jiao Yang has already embarked on the journey of the future, the sun is falling on her body, and the black shadow falling on the ground is getting farther and farther away.

There is still a long way to go, but my steps will always move forward.



This book ends here, and Jiaoyang is always free. After thinking about it for a long time, I still feel that this is the most suitable ending for her.

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