Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 143 Ms. Jiao of the Republic of China: The second brother of the enchanting one (33)

Ever since Sheng Cheng returned to his home, Jiao Yang hasn't had a proper formal meeting with him alone. So Sheng Cheng was at the dining table this day and asked her to come over to his study when she had time.

Jiao Yang doesn't need to take time off, she is free every moment. So she took a chance to go there in the afternoon and met Sheng Xiao in the corridor.

"Looking for elder brother?" He was copying the pocket of his military uniform with one hand, and smiled at her jokingly.

Jiao Yang also smiled and nodded at him.

"Together." Sheng Xiao strode forward with long legs.

In his eyes, the elder brother has always been a very serious person, he is usually unsmiling, and with his charming temperament, it is easy to get no favors with him.

Jiao Yang blinked, and went in side by side with him.

Sheng Xiao suddenly grabbed her hand, his five fingers wrapped her hand tightly inside without leaving a single gap. He still had the same expression on his face as usual, with a naughty smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

The corners of Jiao Yang's mouth deepened, and they kept this posture until they walked to the door, tacitly knowing each other. She pushed the door open with her other hand, and at that moment, his hand was gone.

"Brother." He walked up with a smile, Jiao Yang looked at his back from behind, her eyebrows twitched.

Sheng Cheng was standing at the window, looking back at the Sheng Xiao who was walking towards him staring at a smiling face in front of Jiao Yang, he frowned, and couldn't help scolding:

"Don't do business properly, goof around all day without doing business, and now you take leave of absence to stay at home. Sheng Xiao, you used to be the youngest in the family, so I don't say anything about you. Now you are an older brother." , can't you look like an older brother?"

Sheng Xiao shrugged his shoulders indifferently, since he was just like this anyway, he pulled Jiao Yang from his back and kissed her cheek twice.

Smiling and kissing, "It's because I have a younger sister that my family has concerns, so I want to stay at home and take care of my younger sister."

He turned his head and looked into her eyes deeply.

The corners of Jiao Yang's mouth curled up slightly, but his expression remained unchanged.

On the other hand, Sheng Cheng frowned slightly, with a cold expression on his face, his brows and eyes were distant: "Nonsense."

"A ridiculous person like your second brother has decided to get married, and you will be the next one. You'd better settle down for me during this time, and stop messing things up. Otherwise, I'll just pick a random woman and give it to you."

If it was the past, Sheng Xiao would have retorted and said they were messing around, so you, an old man who is almost thirty years old and still doesn't have a woman by his side, are you proud?

But now, his face froze, and he looked at Jiaoyang beside him who lowered his head and couldn't see his thoughts clearly. He couldn't let Sheng Cheng talk about Sheng Zheng's marriage in front of Jiao Yang anymore.

"I don't want to get married," Sheng Xiao looked at Jiao Yang and said, "I'm not a fool like Second Brother."

As a result, because of Sheng Xiao's disturbance, Jiao Yang didn't have a good talk with Sheng Cheng in the end. As soon as they walked out of Sheng Cheng's study room, the two hugged and kissed each other instantly, almost impatiently.

Maybe they are all crazy, and they are here, in this corridor where people may pass by at any time.

"Sheng Zheng is getting married."

"En." Jiao Yang responded.

Sheng Xiao buried his head.

He remembered that a fool once said in his ear that as long as Sheng Zheng never married, she would never marry. At that time, none of them thought that a man like Sheng Zheng would marry, and the purpose was to escape the feelings of another girl.

But now, it's not that Sheng Zheng will never remarry all his life, is it true that Jiaoyang will not never remarry forever?

Sheng Xiao picked her up and walked to her room, put her gently on the bed, and kissed her like a brand, "Since that night, I've been thinking about you all the time."

Jiao Yang looked at him with a smile, "Where do you think?" Her fingers ran across his eyebrows, nose bridge, lips, and collarbone. Still going down.

His breathing became increasingly erratic as they undressed each other. Finally they close their eyes and feel quietly.

They all know that once something happens.

Then, if there is one, there will be two

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