Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 148 Miss Republic Jiao:

They really can't do this anymore, he did all this for her, and even ruined his marriage for her. But now, everything seems to be back to square one.

So on this day, Sheng Zheng came to the door of her room again, hesitated for a long time before knocking on it: "Jiaoyang, let's talk."

He spoke, his voice trembling.

After a long time, the door opened a crack.

"Come in," she said.

Then he sat back on the bed, still only wearing a pajamas.

Standing in front of her, Sheng Zheng was silent for a long time before saying, "Let's stop."

"Stop what?" Jiao Yang put one leg on the bed and put the other down. She looked at him with a smile, blinked her eyes, and her eyes were bright and dazzling.

She hooked his hand.

Sheng Zheng tightened his fingers. He didn't retreat as soon as he met her eyes like the previous few times.

She was provoking him, relying on his love and pampering for her to challenge his bottom line again and again.

Then he fights back.

"Don't play frivolously in front of me," he began to smile lazily, with the ambiguity and sophistication of traveling in the flowers: "Get rid of those unrealistic thoughts in your mind, let me tell you, I have no shortage of women around me." Although Just want you one.

His breathing froze for a moment.

He suddenly remembered that when he was drunk that day, he seemed to be talking such nonsense, as if he regarded her as a woman he had casually slept with before. That day, she smashed all the wine bottles.

Sure enough, Jiao Yang's complexion instantly became ugly. She pushed him away and walked out the door. At that moment, Sheng Zheng painfully realized that from now on, he might really lose her.

Humans are sometimes such complicated creatures, while trying to push people away, but once that person really wants to leave, you will feel so heartbroken that you can't control it anymore.

Sheng Zheng pulled her back and held her tightly in his arms. He led her to gradually crouch in the corner, gasping for breath, like a dying human being. At that moment, he suspected that he was going to die.

He knew that he couldn't continue like this, but he was afraid. He was afraid that after hurting her this time, he would really lose her forever.

He lowered his head, and his lips touched hers again and again. Is this Sheng Zheng's unconscious indulgence of his feelings for Jiao Yang?

He didn't dare to look at her, his face was already full of tears, but he humbly begged: "Jiaoyang, Jiaoyang, let's stop going on, okay?"

"Okay." Jiao Yang agreed.

She hugged him gently, and no one could see clearly the thoughts on her face at this moment, "Before we end all of this, give me one last kiss, okay?"

He kissed her frantically almost instantly.

Jiao Yang responded to him.

They hugged each other almost to the point of suffocating each other.

Sheng Zheng secretly swore in his heart that this was the last time, the last time, really the last time, that he would no longer suppress his feelings for her, and from now on, he would never...

bang! There was a loud bang at the door.

Mo Jingya stood at the door, covered her mouth, and looked in disbelief at the two figures in the room who were kissing wildly.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she ran out in an instant in the face of all that she couldn't accept.

Sheng Zheng was shocked. At that moment, he seemed to see a triumphant smile on the corner of Jiaoyang's mouth, and it was fleeting.

She did it on purpose, she was plotting against him!

He looked at her in disbelief.

"Sheng Jiaoyang!"

There are two more updates, which will be added today.

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