Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 150 Ms. Jiao of the Republic of China: The enchanting second brother hugs one (40)

Sheng Cheng suddenly made a sound, stopped walking, and looked at her firmly, "Jiao Yang, no matter what happens in the future, I hope you will always remember something."

"The Sheng family will always be your backing."

The eldest daughter of the Mo family is ill.

I couldn't get sick, my whole body was hot, and I was still talking nonsense in my sleep. Everyone in the other family said that he was possessed by an evil spirit, so the Mo family invited a mage to exorcise the evil spirit for three days and three nights. On the morning of the fourth day, she woke up slowly.

When someone asked her what was wrong, she didn't speak, but just looked at the ceiling. Weep silently.

This serious illness almost cost her half her life. She was weak and dying.

Until the next day, when Mo Jingya woke up, she saw Sheng Zheng standing beside the wall.

Her heart trembled suddenly, and the throbbing pain made her unable to breathe: "Brother Zheng."

She smiled bitterly, she still loves him. Fifteen years of love cannot be destroyed overnight. But long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

When she saw that scene, she didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow.

"Sit down, Brother Zheng."

Sheng Zheng took off a leather glove, nodded slightly, and looked at her: "Brother asked me to come and see you. He said that his fiancée was sick, so many people came to visit, but if I didn't come, it would be a bit unfair." past."

Mo Jingya nodded, smiling bitterly in her heart. She knew she should have known.

"Miss Mo, what happened that day." Sheng Zheng didn't continue, just staring at her.

Mo Jingya froze for a moment, then looked into his eyes. Desperately found that there was only calmness and indifference in his eyes, not even a little bit of concern for her, not even the slightest bit of guilt.

There are even doubts and precautions.

What is he afraid and worried about? Do you think she would be the kind of woman who, after that incident, would have a mad vengeful mentality and tell the world about his secret relationship with his sister?

What did he think of her?

A tool to conceal his love for his sister?

At this point, the last trace of humble fantasy in Mo Jingya's heart was wiped out.

Mo Jingya shook her head, "Don't worry, I won't say anything." Don't say that she can't do anything against him, let alone that she is afraid of bringing disaster to the Mo family.

After so many years, what kind of man has she fallen in love with?

She covered her face and began to cry, her tears couldn't stop flowing, and she couldn't exchange the slightest pity for the man in front of her.

Sheng Zheng stood up, since he had already got the answer, there was no need to stay here any longer.

He had reached the door and put on his military cap. He breathed a sigh of relief, his hanging heart never relaxed, "Since this is the case, if you don't want to get married, then don't get married. I will go to my uncle to cancel the engagement."

What he said so lightly, Mo Jingya instantly felt that she had become a joke. A woman whose engagement was divorced, for her, half of her life had been ruined. Her heart faintly broke out and she was in great pain.

"Wait. Brother Zheng, let's talk." Her voice was very soft, and she looked at him beggingly.

Sheng Zheng stepped forward and frowned. Except for his sister, when facing other people, his eyes remained numb and dead.

"I don't think we have anything to talk about."

Mo Jingya felt a dull pain in her heart, she wiped away the tears on her face: "Then let's talk about Jiaoyang, your sister."

Sheng Zheng was startled. His breathing stopped at that moment, and his body trembled.

Let's talk about the young master Cheng Jue who has already rushed to the Northern Department to search for someone, but has been missing for a long time.

All of this was caused by Sheng Jiaoyang!

The map he brought was harmed by Sheng Jiaoyang, you must know that Jiaoyang is a road idiot. How could he trust the road map drawn by Lu Chi?

Cheng Jue went around city b for a long time, but couldn't find where Sheng's house was. In the end, he was so angry that he simply occupied the broadcasting room and took their loudspeaker.

Then, from almost all the radios in this area, the voice of that idiot Cheng Jue came:

"Sheng Jiaoyang kid, Sheng Jiaoyang kid, I'm here, I order you to come to the broadcasting room immediately, lost and found, lost and found."

At this time Jiao Yang was outside, her eyes were bent.

Cheng Jue found her.

The update is complete!

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