Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 180 Entertainment Circle: Neptune Game (2)

Jiao Yang blinked, then looked at the manager with a smile: "I figured it out, Sister Li."

She froze for a moment, the hand that was eager to make a call froze, but she didn't realize what she meant for a while: "What?"

Jiao Yang shook her hand instead, smiling brightly: "Please help me contact Mr. Lu."

Lu Tingwan is enjoying a candlelight dinner right now. His mouth is twitching. He is wearing a black suit and a wine red bow tie. His skin is white and his lips are red. Her jet-black hair was slightly curly, and her appearance was just like that of a night elf.

A French waltz is playing in the hotel.

The woman sitting across from her was wearing a seductive red dress, with gorgeous makeup, and a string of ruby ​​necklaces the size of pigeon eggs hung around her neck.

This is his new prey recently.

Su Meier looked at this man with winking eyes. Lu Tingwan, the youngest diamond bachelor in China. Young, with outstanding family background, beautiful and rich, how can he not be liked by girls. There has never been a shortage of mad bees, waves and butterflies around him.

It's a pity that in her previous life, when he threw an olive branch at her, she didn't catch it in time.

Resurrecting her life now may be a gift from heaven to her. She must hold on to this man firmly and not let the opportunity slip away from her again. No one will ever try to bully her again in this life!

Lu Ting held the wine glass in one hand, and the scarlet red wine was on his lips. His thin lips were slightly lifted, and his every move revealed the elegance of an old-school aristocrat.

The other hand, that is a perfect hand. He put his hands on the table, his complexion was pale and his bones were distinct.

Su Meier looked at him for a while, then bit her lip. Don't men in this circle like women who take the initiative?

She stretched out her hand, seemingly inadvertently, about to touch him little by little.

The corner of the man's mouth deepened, and he looked at her with a half-smile, watching her gradually approaching. Just then, his phone rang.

Su Mei'er was stunned for a while, and raised her head to meet the man's playful gaze. Shocked, she quickly looked away.

Withdrawing his hand, he fiddled with his hair frantically.


The man's magnetic and pleasant voice sounded, and the air seemed to be filled with hormonal factors. He leaned back in the chair, smiling with his thin lips, playing with the tie around his neck.

Su Meier's heart was up and down, her head was down, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

After a few seconds, the man's voice was stained with surprise, but soon he laughed again: "Really."

Su Meier looked puzzled, but soon she saw the man standing up.

"I'm in a hurry, eat alone today, be obedient." The man rubbed her head, with a slight smile on his lips, indifferent and gentle.

Su Meier was puzzled for a while, she nodded subconsciously, and when she realized that she wanted to stop him, the man's back was no longer visible.


She dropped the fork in her hand angrily. Metal and ceramics collided and made a loud and long sound.

According to the development of the plot yesterday, she ran into him in the park smoothly. But after getting along with her, Lu Tingshen gave her a very strange feeling.

The attitude is unpredictable, hot and cold. Say bad to her, he was always so gentle. It's okay, but he is so detached.

Maybe it's not familiar yet?

Su Meier's nails were almost cut into the flesh, and after a while, she made a call, "Sister, help me find out, where is Boss Lu going now?"

The condition is not very good today, and we will add more tomorrow.

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