Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 190 Entertainment Circle: Neptune Game (12)

She pointed the camera in her hand at the two of them: "Excuse me, Ms. Su, it is said that your name was originally on the list of today's activities, and you have indeed appeared here now. But why didn't you come to participate in this event in the end?" What about business activities? Is there something hidden?"

Su Meier was stunned for a while, and when she realized that, she suddenly became furious when she thought of that matter. Why? Isn't it because that bitch Sheng Jiaoyang trapped her!

But when she stood in front of the reporter and wanted to speak, Ting Wan suddenly stood in front of her as a guardian. Su Meier was stunned for a while, feeling infinitely moved in her heart.

Sure enough, Ting Wan still cares about her.

In her previous life, if there had been such a man who was willing to stand in front of her recklessly like him, she would not have ended up in such a miserable end.

Lu Ting stood in front of Su Mei'er, preventing the camera from capturing the slightest chance of capturing her. Facing the camera, he sneered slightly with his thin red lips: "Miss Su has been staying with me all this time, what are you doing?" Opinion?"

The reporter's face froze, he forcibly suppressed his anger, and silently recorded the video without saying anything.

Su Meier's face froze, and the tears that were about to fall just now were withdrawn vigorously.

Later, I thought that Ting Wan might think it was her fault, and now he was protecting himself.

But that's not the case, Sheng Jiaoyang locked herself in the dressing room, she couldn't get out, that's why she couldn't participate in this event.

Su Meier felt anxious in her heart, she couldn't be careless when it came to right and wrong. She was about to explain, but Lu Tingwan pulled her back behind him, refusing to ask her to show up even half of her head.

"I'm here." Lu Tingwan comforted in a low voice.

Su Mei'er didn't feel moved, she was very anxious now, and she could disobey Boss Lu and worry about making him unhappy, let alone refute his words. She was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan but didn't know what to do.

"If you have any opinion on her because of this, just say it." Lu Tingwan faced the camera with a gloomy face, showing his love and indulgence for Su Meier in every word and deed, "Anyway, I can raise my woman myself. I'm still one day old, there is no shortage of her filming in the industry!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Meier's face turned completely pale.


Later, as she expected, this video was released to the public. For a while, netizens were excited, they couldn't do anything to Lu Tingwan, but they all boycotted Su Meier's works!

So what if there is no shortage of her filming, they want her filming to be overwhelmed! So on the Internet, righteous people hiding in every corner have raised their heads, the so-called punishing rape and eliminating evil, if they want to suppress the arrogance of these capitalists, they start with their women!

For a while, the tug-of-war between cyber nomads who claimed to be righteous and evil capitalists was kicked off by countless cyber warriors.

[Su Meier get out of the entertainment industry! 】

[Garbage Su Moumou is raw! 】

Su Meier gritted her teeth, trembling with anger on the bed.

It's okay. It's okay, Sheng Jiaoyang, so what if you got lucky this time and confused the audience. Ting Wan's heart is partial to her, she still has Ting Wan.

There was hope in Su Meier's eyes, thinking of Tian Tingwan's protection of her. Although he has done bad things with good intentions, his sincerity to himself will never go wrong.

He won't ignore her...

Su Meier frantically picked up her mobile phone, dialed the number and called, and waited for a long time, but only waited for the caller to hang up mercilessly. She froze for a moment, and continued to call in disbelief, but this time she was hung up within a few seconds.

She called a third and a fourth time until finally she didn't get through.

Su Meier put down the phone with a stiff face, and was stunned for a long time like a dead person, before she reacted and comforted herself that Ting Wan might have something to do now.

But what exactly is Mr. Lu doing now?

Yuanyuan is very uncomfortable today. After eating lunch, her stomach hurts and she still feels sick all the time. It’s only a little bit better at night, I can barely sit down and code quietly, plus the new plane opened without much preparation, I only wrote four chapters today, Yuanyuan is very sorry QAQ

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