Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 192 Entertainment Circle: Neptune Game (14)

"Hey," Jiao Yang bulged her cheeks, and pushed him with her eyes wide open, "you should open your eyes."

I'm already asleep, this man, isn't he just trying to pretend to be dead?

The smile on the corner of Lu Tingwan's mouth overflowed with helplessness. He opened his eyes, stroked her hair, and comforted her in a low voice: "Jiaoyang, it's not that I don't want to help you. The entertainment industry is not as simple as you imagined. Behind every award is the game of countless capitalists.

The name you see is not just that name, but also many people behind him, and each of them is a famous person, and the interests inside are intricate and cannot be settled with a single sentence, do you understand? "

To put it bluntly, this man didn't want to be so troublesome.

The corners of Jiao Yang's mouth deepened, and at this movement of his, she threw herself into his arms, hugged his waist, and said: "Then what award Su Meier won, you should be the one who helped her Right? If you just give her the award to me, won’t that be enough?”

What a bad girl, she deliberately targeted Su Meier under her nose.

Lu Tingwan smiled deeper, and stroked her hair inch by inch with his hands: "Isn't it enough to help you fix her this time?"

"Not enough, of course not enough," Jiao Yang raised her head, leaned towards him with a bright smile, and kissed him several times on the lips, "If you grab a man from me, then I will beat her to the point where she has no chance to breathe It’s okay if you don’t have any talents, in the entertainment industry, there are too many cases of successful cleansing and recovery, I want her to never recover.”

Lu Tingwan was stunned, looked at her face for a while, then lowered his head and covered his mouth and smiled. He couldn't help laughing and said: "Does Jiaoyang know what award Su Meier won?"

"What is it?" Jiao Yang tilted her head.

"The Most Influential Actress Award of the Year. It's not that I don't want to help you, Jiao Yang, but that Su Meier entered the industry early and has a background in several dramas, and several of them are the protagonists. But you have the highest rank. It's just the second time, how do you think I will present this award to you in front of the audience across the country against my conscience?"

Lu Tingwan looked at her with a half-smile, and his eyes seemed to say: If you hadn't been reserved and refused to accept his olive branch before, you wouldn't be only a second-best now, and it's still a low-rated web drama.

As for conscience, can Lu Tingwan have a conscience? Don't be funny.

He was just sitting on the sidelines watching the play, and he was in charge of the overall situation behind the scenes, watching what a wonderful show these women could fight, and going up at the critical moment to add fuel to the fire.

Jiao Yang smiled brighter: "That means, you agreed. As long as I make a quality work before the end of this year, you can give me the award originally given to Su Meier." ?”

Lu Tingwan was stunned for a moment, then smiled deeper, with a little interest in his eyes: "Before the end of the year? In such a short time, are you sure?"

"I said yes, then yes," Jiao Yang grinned and raised her hand in front of him, "How about it, gentlemen's agreement?"

Lu Tingwan lowered his head and smiled, then put his hand up: "A gentleman's agreement."

The two held hands together and stared at each other for a long time, there were banter and pursuit in their eyes, the desire to compete and conquer of the same kind.

Jiao Yang took the watch next to him and smiled: "It's 9:30 in the morning, I'm going to the crew to audition at 10:30, and you have to go to the company before 11:00. Up to an hour, but if you're going to take me there, it should be longer."

Under his playful gaze, she took the initiative to hook his fingers that were placed aside, and pressed her fingers tightly against his.

The previous chapter was reviewing.

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