Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 194 Entertainment Circle: Neptune Game (16)

Sister Li began to worry that Jiao Yang would be like those other little girls, who would act the fake show and really fall in love with Lu Tingwan.

In the end, he ruined his career and lost his heart.

Sister Li put her hand on Jiao Yang's head, touched it, and said meaningfully: "Women in the entertainment industry must never fall in love with their brains, and everything must be career-oriented, do you understand?"

She has seen too many such tragic cases. The actress who could have a bright future at a young age got pregnant unexpectedly, and then gave birth to a child for a man's hidden marriage. I take care of my children at home alone, my career is gone, I don’t want to be understood by others, my parents-in-law look at me at home, and my husband spends all day drinking and drinking, ignoring his wife and children

Thinking of this, Sister Li sighed deeply, and put her hands on the shoulders of the dazed Jiaoyang. Still a child after all.

She asked in a low voice: "So, when you and Mr. Lu were there, take protective measures."

"Don't worry," Jiao Yang blinked, "I've been taking medicine for a long time."

Sister Li nodded, put down her hands, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, since I'm so obedient, can I go outside to take a breath now, Sister Li?" Jiao Yang puffed up her face, her big watery eyes looked at her eagerly, and she couldn't bear to refuse.

Sister Li was stunned for a while, and sighed as she looked at the queue in front of her like a long queue: whether it will be their turn or not is a question.

"I'm here in the queue, go ahead and keep a low profile."

Jiao Yang quickly rolled her eyes, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. She quickly put on her sunglasses and peaked cap, and happily jumped outside.

"Ding—" the sound of swiping the card.

"Give me a strawberry mousse cake, thank you."

Jiao Yang came to a dessert shop, her eyes were curled up and she was smiling like a little fox.

"Okay, this lovely lady." The waiter smiled and lowered her head to load the cake for her.

She didn't know why, but she always felt that this little girl seemed familiar, and she didn't know where she had seen it before. But she looks so pretty when she smiles, her smile is very contagious, watching her smile will make others feel happy, as if the whole world has begun to become better.

The waiter finished packing the cake and handed it to her: "Do you need anything else?"

"Well, I still need it, I still need it."

Jiao Yang took the cake, stroked her chin, and looked at the menu below with some hesitation. The two must be tired of eating, and if you put them in the refrigerator and eat them tomorrow, they will become stale again.

She blinked, and suddenly had an idea: If you don't want to eat it at that time, just tell Lu Tingwan that it was specially bought for him.

Just as Jiao Yang was about to speak, a boy suddenly walked in the door. He also wore sunglasses and a peaked cap, the brim of which was lower than hers, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

He walked up to her and murmured, "Here comes a matcha cake, try not to put sugar in it." His voice was sweet, reminiscent of melted spring water, and it was a natural voice for singing.

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

Jiao Yang poked her head over to take a look at him, but she wasn't attracted by his voice and weird attire. Instead, I was wondering if the matcha cake should be as sweet as possible without adding sugar, would it be delicious?

This man has really weird tastes.

However, at the moment when she turned her head, the boy was also looking at her inadvertently from the corner of her eye, and the two recognized each other almost at the same time.

There are two more chapters.

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