Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 511 I have three personalities! Hey, I'm pretending (56)

"Your mother?" Jiaoyang understood something and raised the corner of her mouth, "Your mother's behavior is not called cowardice, it is called judging the situation. And as for your bravery, which only shows off, it is called stupidity."

"Is it just showing off?" Ke Wanning smiled maliciously, "If it's just showing off, then tell me now, why did you fall into my hands?"

A group of gangsters behind her laughed together, all with malicious expressions.

Fu Qiran narrowed his eyes: "How dare you? Do you know who we are?"

"It's because I know who you are that I gathered this group of people who have always looked down on you rich kids." Ke Wanning's face was full of pride, her eyes were full of arrogance, and her chin was raised, "Don't think that relying on your status, everyone I can let you bully me!"

"How dare you touch us even though you know our identities," Jiaoyang held her head helplessly, "I don't know where you called this group of people, but as expected, stupid people will be surrounded by stupid people, and their IQs are worrying. "

The corners of her mouth twitched: "This feeling of being deliberately imitated is really unpleasant."

"Miss Shanda, please stop struggling to your death. No matter how high you were in the past, here today, anyone can touch you."

Several gangsters came forward with playful smiles, and when they saw Fu Qiran blocking Jiaoyang in front of him, they laughed even more crazily.

"And where are the flower protectors? But it's a pity, these buddies are here specifically to deal with you today, no one can protect you!"

"Isn't this the eldest lady of the Sheng family? The Sheng family has caused so many people to go bankrupt. Today, the eldest lady of their family will just let a few of my brothers have fun!"

"However, I guess it's okay to play with someone. As far as I know, this Miss Shanda is not loved by her father and mother. What her parents only care about is that the eldest daughter of the Sheng family can inherit the identity of the Sheng family. Otherwise, she would have been thrown out long ago."

"So there's something real going on? He's such a pathetic guy, and a motherless bastard, hahahaha."

Before the little gangster with yellow hair could close his mouth, he suddenly felt a violent force coming from his hair.

Jiaoyang suddenly took action, which was beyond everyone's expectation. She grabbed the person's hair with her five fingers and banged his head against the wall until it was smashed and blood flowed out. She did not stop.

"Who are you calling a wretch?" She sneered, "It doesn't matter if my father doesn't love my mother, at least I own and control everything except family ties, including your life."

Huang Mao was furious, but Jiaoyang's wrist looked so thin that he couldn't escape at all as he was restraining his head and smashing it against the wall.

"Why are you still standing there?"

He turned back and shouted to the remaining people. Everyone was stunned for a while, and then rushed forward.

Ke Wanning was so frightened that she screamed. She just wanted to take revenge and take some photos to take back revenge. She didn't want to make such a big fuss. Fu Chiran didn't react at first, but suddenly he knocked down three or five people with his quick hands and eyes.

The scene was chaotic for a while.

A boy came close to Fu Qiran: "Fu Qiran, as Mr. Fu's only grandson, why are you following a woman's butt? Could it be that your grandfather has chosen to give up on you and take back the illegitimate son? Family, so you have to please a woman for this?”

His expression paused, and his expression instantly became dangerous.

The corner of his mouth twitched: "What did you say?"

The man who knew that he had touched Fu Qiran's sore spot was still secretly proud of it: "I say, as an abandoned son of the Fu family, you are forced to please only one woman and live under a woman. It's really..."


At this time, everyone only heard a loud noise. Looking back, they saw Fu Qiran holding a piece of steel in his hand and stabbing the man's crotch hard.

The man's death was horrific. His body was penetrated from back to front, and blood spattered all over the floor. His eyeballs were bulging before he died. He was obviously frightened and had no time to react.

But Fu Qiran's eyes were extremely cold. His hands were still stained with blood, dripping onto the ground.

Everyone was stunned, stopped what they were doing, and then screamed instantly. Even Jiaoyang covered her mouth in surprise.

problem occurs.

Except for Jiaoyang and Fu Qiran, everyone fled frantically. Ke Wanning didn't forget to make a phone call before running away: "Hey, is this the police station? Someone is killing someone here."

Jiaoyang looked at Fu Qiran for a while, then stepped forward to face the endgame in front of him together.

The person on the ground had a steel pipe inserted into his body, still lying there with his eyes wide open.

The death was horrific.

Jiaoyang couldn't help but click her tongue: "This is definitely one of the ugliest ways of death I have ever seen."

"Are you afraid?" He looked down, his lips trembling a little, but his eyes were extremely calm.

"Huh?" Jiaoyang twitched the corner of her mouth, half-smiling, "If you thought I would be afraid, you wouldn't have chosen me as your partner in the first place, right?"

"Yes." Fu Qiran raised his head and raised the corners of his mouth, "In this world, only you and I are special."

I'm glad you exist, even though everyone says you're the embodiment of all that's dark. We are all selfish, ugly, and dirty. We only have each other.

Jiaoyang spread her hands, noncommittal.

The sirens are getting closer.

"It came so fast." Jiaoyang turned her gaze to the distance, but her hand was suddenly held by him.

"You go first." Fu Qiran said lightly.

"What?" Jiaoyang tilted her head expressionlessly.

"You go first. This matter has nothing to do with you in the first place," he lowered his eyes, "Don't worry, no matter what, I am still from the Fu family. My grandfather has connections in the bureau. No one dares to do anything to me.

But you are different, Jiaoyang. Once something like this comes out about you, the cause of your mother's death will no longer be hidden. What if we spread the word about the late stage of schizophrenia?"

But if it weren't for Sheng Jiaoyang, he wouldn't be here at all. If it weren't for Sheng Jiaoyang, he would definitely have walked away after the incident, or even stood aside and moved a stool to watch the show. He would never have been provoked and angered by that man, and now such a thing has happened.

"Your grandpa," Jiaoyang raised her lips, "Will he really help you?" What the man said just now.

"Don't worry." Fu Qiran gave her a comforting smile and patted her shoulder.

"Go quickly."

Jiaoyang nodded with unknown meaning, turned around and left.

You said you would protect me, but you are the one who broke your promise.

Fu Qiran looked at her back. He didn't know why, but he still felt a little disappointed when he saw that she really left because of this, even though it was him who said it.

"It's really going crazy." He lowered his head and looked at the corpse on the ground, a self-deprecating smile spread across his brows.

Two chapters in one.

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