Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 516 I have three personalities! Hey, I'm pretending (61)

Bo Yunli held a pen in his hand and looked at the exercise book in front of him. His vision was blurred and he couldn't concentrate for a long time.

He has been in a trance these past few days.

Suddenly, a person sat down in the seat in front of him, facing him, and asked him with a smile: "How did you feel last night?"

Bo Yunli's body froze, his eyes in disbelief. He didn't even look up for the first time. The moment he heard her voice, he felt a chill running down his spine.

Her smile was bright: "I never thought you would react to Sheng Jiaoyang like that. Why..."

No. 2 Jiaoyang slowly approached him with an ambiguous smile: "Is it because she thinks of me? Because she and I have the same face and the same body, so there is no way not to be moved by her like that."

He pursed his lips, lowered his head and continued to read the exercises, his voice cold: "You think too much." He was too influenced by her, and he didn't allow himself to become like that.

However, the tip of his pen trembled slightly and his thoughts were confused. He listed the formulas randomly, biting the bullet and writing irrelevant characters on them in a self-defeating way.

"Okay, I'm overthinking it."

Jiao Yanghun smiled nonchalantly, with amusement in her eyes.

"But you haven't told me yet." She came over again, simply put her hands on his table, and raised the corners of her lips slightly, "How did you feel last night?"

Bo Yunli couldn't bear it and threw away the pen in his hand, looking at her with cold eyes: "No. 2, don't go too far."

"Oh my, what's your attitude? When you hugged me and comforted me that day, you were not like this."

The corners of Jiaoyang's mouth raised, her expression as bright as spring: "Does it mean that just because you got that woman, you think you got me as well? So you don't care about my attitude? You really make me sad, Yunli .”

When she talked about it, especially the last sentence, Bo Yunli took a breath subconsciously, but when he raised his head, he only saw her curling her red lips with an expression of fearing that the world would not be in chaos. How could she look a little sad?

Bo Yunli laughed angrily and spoke sarcastically: "My fiancée is Sheng Jiaoyang's personality. The person I had sex with last night was also a personality and has nothing to do with you at all, No. 2. I don't understand. Why are you so obsessed with inquiring into other people’s private affairs?”

He did it on purpose. He was deliberately stabbing her to keep her away from him. If he continued, he was afraid that one day he would really lose control of her.

They can be said to be two people, and he is destined to not be able to have the best of both worlds in this life. He cannot hurt both of them at the same time.

He is destined to feel sorry for one of them and his own heart.

"How come it has nothing to do with me? Although she and I have different thoughts, we share the same body."

The smile on Jiao Yang's face did not change at all: "Since you are such a responsible man, you can be responsible for her, why can't you be responsible for me? Yun Li said this when I first met you. Those words that are interesting to you are not just words.

You cared so much about me that day, and the way you looked at me, I could feel that you cared about me too. That being the case, why are you still obsessed with being with that woman? She's so stupid, you can't love her. "

Bo Yunli lowered his eyelashes to hide the thoughts in his eyes, which were filled with incomprehensible darkness: "She is my fiancée, No. 2, you shouldn't say that about her."

Jiaoyang looked at him, and as she looked at him, the smile on her lips slowly retracted, and then rose again with unknown meaning.

She stood up from the seat in front of her with an unpredictable look on her face: "In the end, you and Fu Qiran are the same, abandoning me for others. What qualifications do you have to say anything about him? You are both the same person. "

Bo Yunli froze and looked at her retreating back.

At that moment, he had a feeling that she seemed to be getting farther and farther away from him.

He felt lost in his heart, and the sour feeling pressed down and accumulated on his chest, making him breathless.

Bo Yunli suddenly grabbed her hand, and when she looked over, he suddenly woke up.

"I'm sorry." He was silent for a long time.

"Huh? What is this," Jiaoyang raised her eyebrows, "You admit that you like me in your heart, but you can't reciprocate your feelings for me, so you feel deeply guilty?"

Bo Yunli pursed his lips and said nothing.

At this time, many students had gathered around, looking at the two of them with stars in their eyes, and they all shouted: "You two have gone too far. If you show affection openly and openly in the school, you will be struck by lightning!"

"When lightning strikes, lightning strikes!" Jiaoyang said angrily, hooking her arm around Bo Yunli's neck, and when he subconsciously wanted to break away, she leaned into his ear again, "Think about it, if I don't want to do it because of you For reasons like this, if the news that 'the eldest lady of the Sheng Group and the second young master of the Bo family are suspected of having a bad relationship' spreads, it's best not to move."

Bo Yunli frowned and stopped moving.

So Jiaoyang smiled and continued to everyone: "If Yunli and I die together like this, I would be willing to do so. Then it will be you singles who will cry!"

"Eh-Jiaoyang is really too much."

The students all looked at Jiaoyang, their good feelings doubled in their hearts. Since Jiaoyang fell in love, she really feels that her personality has changed a lot and she has become more likable.

Of course, it’s not that it was not good before, it’s just that I felt too aloof, that is, too far away, the kind of feeling that people can’t easily get close to, instead of like now, they can feel each other’s feelings even after just saying a few words. The relationship has become much closer.

Jiaoyang still smiled, looked at Bo Yunli, suddenly pulled his head down, held his hair directly, and kissed his lips.

Bo Yunli was shocked, his pupils shrank, and he froze in place without any time to react. When he came to his senses, she still hadn't left. He couldn't push her away, so he could only let her touch his lips, sometimes lingering, sometimes just tasting her.

He was lacking oxygen, his breathing was no longer steady, and he couldn't see her clearly, but his senses could clearly feel her fingers even playfully tracing on the palm of his hand.

For some reason, Bo Yunli recalled last night, when he held her body so tightly, carried her to the bed, faced her exactly the same face, and another woman.

It was obvious that she was not the one who had happened to him, but now, in a daze, he vaguely felt as if it was her who had happened to him last night.

It was their lips and teeth that connected, their incomparable fit. There was no main personality or sub-personality, it was just her from beginning to end.

It's always been her.

Two chapters in one.

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