Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 539 I have three personalities! Hey, I'm pretending (84)

But just because he allowed himself to know, it didn't mean he allowed her to talk nonsense outside.

Women who have been with that man for more than ten years are not ordinary people, let alone stupid people.

Even her own mother...what?

Li Xue endured the pain of a broken arm bone and kept screaming without paying much attention.

"How does this feel? Aunt Li."

Jiaoyang and Fu Qiran walked out of the hiding place together, Jiaoyang walked in front, the corners of her mouth raised in a bad way, and her eyes were dark and deep.

"You" Li Xue looked up and saw first Sheng Jiaoyang, who looked gloomy all over, and then Fu Qiran, who was smiling with evil intentions.

She couldn't believe it for a moment, and then her eyes filled with hatred.

It was her. It was she who teamed up with this boy to kill her daughter. It must be them

The woman and Jiaoyang looked at each other, retracted their legs, nodded respectfully, and led the group of women back a few steps.

Jiaoyang looked away, and when she met Li Xue's gaze, the curve of her lips became more and more strange.

She seemed to know what Li Xue was thinking: "It seems that you are finally a little smarter."

Jiao Yang stretched out her hand, half-squinted her eyes, and made a "yidi diu" gesture.

"However, if you dare to look at me like that with your dirty eyes, you are seeking death."

Jiaoyang lowered her head and glanced at the bloody hole that had just been poked on her arm.

She bent down, carefully selected a branch, played with it in her hand, and then suddenly went down and stabbed the woman's wound without hesitation.

"Ah -" Li Xue was so painful that she couldn't speak. She opened her eyes wide and looked at the little girl in front of her.

She seemed to be still smiling, but she looked weird, her eyes were dark, and there was no trace of smile in them.

She's a monster, she's a monster

It was a monster like this that killed her daughter.

"How do you feel?" Jiaoyang squatted down in front of her, with the corners of her mouth raised in a bad way, her fingers pinched the handle of the branch, and she slowly turned it around in the flesh.

Then she gently said something: "I think you must like this feeling very much, just like your daughter once experienced. This is the legendary mother-son heart-to-heart connection."

Fu Qiran raised the corners of his mouth, with a smile on his brows, and his appearance was carefree.

"You!" Li Xue's eyes widened. She suddenly gained strength from somewhere and rushed forward like crazy. She stretched out her hands to strangle Jiaoyang's neck, her hair disheveled, like a ghost.

"Give my daughter her life!"

Fu Qiran suddenly appeared in front of her and kicked the person away.

The branches were broken on the ground, and blood kept dripping, dripping.

Li Xue was already dying.

The women watching on the sidelines began to feel a little uneasy. They just wanted to cause trouble and didn't really want to kill her.

"What are you looking at?" Fu Qiran squinted his eyes and touched his fingers carelessly, "If something happens today, we will investigate it and punish it according to the law. You will all be treated as accomplices."

The women all looked at each other, became quiet, and stopped talking.

"Go find your daughter underground." Jiaoyang grabbed her hair and was about to hit her against the tree.

As she said before, for No. 3, the feeling of comfort that comes from scheming people is far less satisfying than doing it yourself and beating people to death.

At this time, another car stopped. Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment when she caught a glimpse of the license plate number. She directly picked up her hair and knocked the person against the tree harder. After several times, her head was already bleeding.

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