Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 744 The little princess and her vampire empire (52)

"Secret base? Are all humans locked up there?"

Jiaoyang showed a joyful expression, as if she was purely happy to see so many of her kind at once.

"Domestic animals, of course, are humans."

Edgar glanced at her, and then said, "My brother is also over there. He seems to be in a very depressed mood today. He stayed there early in the morning and hasn't come out yet."

After hearing that Edel was actually there, Jiaoyang's desire to go became even stronger. She said seriously: "Take me there, Lambert, Edgar."

"Huh?" Edgar laughed and took a few steps closer. "As a food, are you ordering us?"

"Don't forget the news that came out last night," Jiaoyang also showed a smile on her face, calmly and calmly, "I am not only a food now, but also the woman of His Highness Louis. Don't you think that being the woman of His Highness Louis is not enough?" To instruct you to do such a small thing for me?"

Edgar was stunned.

Jiaoyang was led by two vampires into the gate of the underground arena. The layout inside is very gorgeous, with walls made of white jade, golden pillars, and inlaid gems everywhere.

But once inside, a strong smell of old blood can be heard coming from inside.

There is a massacre going on here, and a handsome vampire is staying inside, with a gun in his hand and his body stained with blood, like a messenger sent by hell. Humans were constantly rushing toward him, but they kept falling.

Either they were shot in the head with a single blow, or their limbs were brutally twisted with bare hands, and then discarded like rags and rubbish.

The fallen people formed a hill, and bright red blood gathered and continued to flow.

Adel obviously knew that someone was coming. His movements paused and soon returned to normal.

Jiaoyang stared at this scene blankly, with blood splattering everywhere and organs and internal organs flying around. She seemed a little frightened.

"How about it, you're scared," Adel waved his hand in front of her eyes, and then said with a smile, "I told you to come here."

"Your brother, has he been stimulated by something?" Jiaoyang looked at Edgar blankly.

"Him." Adel scratched his head in distress, and when he was about to say something, Lambert continued.

He spoke faintly, the whole vampire was like a ghost: "He has been like this since the meeting. Maybe there is something bothering him."


Lambert suddenly spoke, which startled Jiaoyang. It was because he always wore a black cloak and had a silent personality, so it was easy for people to ignore his presence.

If it hadn't been for his sudden opening, Jiaoyang would have almost forgotten that there was a third vampire here.

The corner of Edgar's mouth twitched for a moment, and he looked at Edel, who had clearly seen them over there, but didn't even raise his head as he was still focused on fighting alone: ​​"My brother seems to have something wrong today. Is there someone he doesn't want to see?" Really? Frankly speaking, Lambert, have you done anything to offend my brother recently?"

"No." Lambert also frowned.

Adel stretched out his hand, ready to say hello, and shouted: "Brother!"

At this moment, when the humans trapped in the iron cage caught the sight of Sheng Jiaoyang behind the two newly arrived vampires, there was a strange look in their eyes.

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