Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 753 The little princess and her vampire empire (61)

"How ridiculous. I wear the most gorgeous dress in the entire palace, look out the window every day, and live like an exquisite puppet."

Rusfan looked at her with complicated eyes. He really didn't think about it that much: "Is it true? You used to live such a life."

Jiaoyang lowered her eyes in acquiescence.

Of course it's fake.

It is true that she is weak and the king ordered her to stop all entertainment projects that require physical exertion, but whether she listens or not depends on her mood. Will Sheng Jiaoyang be such an obedient person?

When she was in a good mood, she would perfunctory the king and show off on the surface. If she was in a bad mood, even the king would have to let her go. It was true that the king doted on her, but it was also true that he abandoned her and gave her to the vampire as a gift.

The human heart is such a complicated thing.

As for the maid skipping rope and playing around at the door of her room, of course it is even more impossible. Jiaoyang has never been someone who would be sad alone. If she is unhappy, no one will be happy either. But then again, she didn't like playing these children's games that she got tired of eight hundred years ago.

There are also those maids in her palace who are always watching her, fearing that she might bump into her. That's true. But usually, her reaction is greater than theirs.

"If Lester was free to me at that time, then after Lester saved me from the hands of those humans regardless of life and death, my feelings for him have been deeply rooted in In my heart, I will never change you until death.”

Jiaoyang showed a somewhat sad look, "No matter what he does to me in the future, I can't eliminate my feelings for him."

"Come on," Rusfan took a deep breath, raised the corners of his lips, and exposed her with a sarcastic smile, "Since you can't let go of Lester so much, why did you come to me today?" , and you said these words to me openly?"


"Don't tell me the useless pretense that I'm Lester's only nephew."

With a bad smile, Rusfan bent down and approached her: "I know what you are here for. You said you forgot, but I don't believe you will really forget everything. After all, I said yesterday But I saw with my own eyes how the little princess lost her composure and how charming and lovely she looked when she completely lost herself. If you said you couldn’t remember, I might still be half-convinced and you had completely forgotten about it. Does your little princess think I’m a fool? ?”

"You" Jiaoyang's eyes showed anger, but he interrupted her and continued talking on his own.

Rusfan smiled even more viciously, deliberately teasing: "I can't let go of Lester's loyalty to his feelings, but the little princess's body seems to be very honest."

Jiaoyang seemed to be irritated by him. She blushed and spoke in anger: "So what if I'm here? I didn't say what I wanted to do with you, and shouldn't you be used to this kind of thing?" ? What reason do you have to ridicule me? Can't you just treat me like the ordinary women who were infatuated with you in the past?

Yes, you are awesome, you are awesome, Rusfan. No woman has ever been able to escape your grasp, after all, you are so lovable. "

She sneered equally sarcastically.

"Then what does the little princess like about me?" Rusfan's eyes raised the corners of his lips mockingly, "Is it the face that looks similar to Leicester's when she is confused, or the feeling that I can't extricate myself when I suck my blood, or the .”

He stretched out his hand, raised his lips with a half-smile, and skillfully caressed Jiaoyang's body, his eyes fixed on the changes in her expression.

Jiao Yang grasped Ru Sifan's collar and tried to stop him in a panic: "Stop it quickly."

But Rusifan laughed, with a smile that could captivate the world, and he easily picked her up and placed her on the bed.

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