Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 801 The little princess and her vampire empire (109)

After it was over, looking at the mess in the room, Adel looked at the little girl next to him who was clutching the quilt with a helpless look in his eyes. At this moment, a sharp pain spread in his heart.

He pushed her down and couldn't restrain his emotions anymore, shouting wildly: "Get out! Get out, disappear in front of me in this life, I never want to see you again."

Jiaoyang clutched her skirt and said with a trembling voice, "Yes, Lord Adel."

She turned around and left, and Adel looked at her back, heartbroken.

It's not fair. It's not fair

Why was she sorry for him, but he was the one who suffered in the end?

Adel grabbed the dagger next to him and stabbed his left arm almost masochistically, stabbing him again and again, and blood flowed out.

After Jiaoyang walked out of Adel's dormitory, her steps became faster and faster, showing briskness.

[Is it okay that a good relationship was ruined like this? ] The system couldn't help but ask.

"So you're still alive. I haven't seen you for a long time. I almost thought you were dead," Jiaoyang replied with a smile, "It doesn't matter. Adel's power here has almost reached its limit. Sometimes relationships just need to be noisy, but it can make them more... The feelings are heating up further. Let’s talk about it.”

Jiaoyang raised the corner of her mouth: "If there is no crack in the relationship between two people, how can a third party take advantage of it?"

【third party? 】The system was stunned.

Jiaoyang didn't speak anymore. She curled her lips happily and skipped back to her palace.

The next day, before Edgar stepped into Adel's palace, he heard the sound of bowls and chopsticks smashing to the ground.

"Get out, get out of here!" Adel inside was in a bad mood and pushed Jiaoyang out of the door, and the door slammed shut violently.

Edgar was stunned for a moment, and saw the little girl lowering her head. She did not complain, but remained silent, slowly bent down, and picked up the broken pieces of porcelain on the ground.

Inside is bird's nest porridge, and you can tell it has been cooked for a long time.

The broken porcelain pieces were very sharp, and Jiaoyang's fingers were very delicate. They quickly scratched her skin, causing drops of blood to ooze out.

The little girl let out a small "hiss". Her skin was tender and her flesh was tender. She had not suffered much since she was a child. In addition, she felt obvious pain, and tears soon came to her eyes.

Just as she was stubborn and about to pick up another piece, a hand wearing black leather gloves suddenly stretched out from beside her and helped her pick up the broken porcelain pieces one by one and threw them into the trash can.

Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment and looked at the vampire that appeared next to her.

It was Edgar.

They were all silent, and after a while, he said awkwardly: "Well, I'm sorry."

Edgar was apologizing for what happened between her and Lester a few days ago. Later, he felt that he was useless and angry, so he ran to Edgar and told Sheng Jiaoyang and Lester. Adel.

Of course, Edel later told Edgar the reason why Jiaoyang was with Lester before. Edgar was shocked by Jiaoyang's past. After all, in his heart, he always thought that Sheng Jiaoyang was just a person. She doesn't understand anything, she just knows how to eat and wait for death.

But it was obvious that Adel couldn't accept all this.

Therefore, Edgar always thought that Sheng Jiaoyang had been suffering from such an attitude because of his whistle-blowing.

"Huh?" Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment, as if she was confused about his apology for a while, and then waved her hands quickly, "No, this is my fault in the first place, I can't blame Lord Edgar."

Edgar's eyes wandered for a while, and suddenly he saw that she was still holding the broken piece of porcelain in her hand, and her fingers were still bleeding out.

Really too squeamish.

Edgar thought in his heart, if it were a vampire, this small injury would be healed in a short time, and no trace would be visible.

"Well, let me help you." Just think of it as my little apology to you.

Adel took the broken piece of porcelain from Jiaoyang's hand. He was careless and careless. At this moment, he accidentally touched the wound on Jiaoyang's finger. She felt a little pain and frowned.

Adel quickly grabbed her bleeding finger again, but the force became stronger again, and Jiaoyang was pulled over by him, hitting him right in the chest.

The force of Jiaoyang's collision was very light, but she continued to apologize hurriedly. Then she raised her head, and with this posture, their eyes naturally met each other.

The last chapter is still under review, I don’t know if it will be released tomorrow.

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