Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 804 The little princess and her vampire empire (112)

But Adel's face was expressionless, without any emotion, which made Edgar a little uncertain.

"But didn't you still like that woman very much before?"

"That was already before."

Facing Edgar's probing eyes, Edgar's expression became calmer: "I once really liked her, and even wanted to marry her and make her my only partner in life. But now, since I know After her past with Calicia and Lester, I will no longer have any sincerity towards her, because she is not worth it.

For a woman like her who is hypocritical, sentimental and wanton, do you think her love is trustworthy? Even if her love is true, is such a woman's feelings worthy of being cherished? Is she worth risking my life and risking my family's honor to fight against Louis? "

Edgar was speechless.


Adel took a deep breath, his chest hurt.

"A woman like her is destined to be just a plaything. Once she is played with, she will be lost. You can't blame anyone else for this. It's all her own fault."

After Edgar left, his footsteps unknowingly turned to Sheng Jiaoyang's palace.

He walked to the door, knocked on it, and sighed helplessly when he saw the lonely figure inside.

What a poor little thing, even he couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

Although according to Adel, it seems that Sheng Jiaoyang's end like this was indeed brought about by himself, but

Perhaps it was because she was so beautiful, and the expression she showed at this moment was so pitiful, that Edgar unexpectedly felt a rare emotion of pity.

"Adel treats you like this, do you still want to like him?" Edgar smiled and walked in with his eyes bent.

"Yes." Jiaoyang looked at him and replied stubbornly.


"Because this is indeed my fault, I deserve to suffer all this."

Jiaoyang looked at her hand in despair. There was a scar on it from the broken porcelain fragment just now.

"I will keep trying until the day he is willing to forgive me."

Edgar was stunned for a moment, then unknowingly took a few steps closer, thinking of what Edgar had just said to him.

"What if that day doesn't happen?"

"There won't be that day." Jiaoyang was stunned, as if she hadn't even considered this, so her eyes showed a confused look, but soon, she said firmly again, with sadness and stubbornness in her eyes, " If there is not that day, then I will continue until there is no next day. After all, if I really make a mistake that Adel is not willing to forgive me in this life, then he must be extremely disappointed and sad for me. .I will spend my whole life to atone for my sins.”

Edgar was stunned again.

does it worth?

he asked in his mind.

After all, the limited life of human beings is too short for vampires.

"So, does Edgar know something to ask me like this?" Jiaoyang lowered her head, a bitter smile emerged from the corner of her mouth, "It turns out that what I have done is already so unforgivable. Edgar will never do this in his life." forgive me."

Edgar looked at her lost look, thought for a moment, and then put his hand on her thin shoulder.

"Edgar, am I so unforgivable?" Jiaoyang raised her head and murmured, her beautiful face became even paler at the moment, she asked him, "If it were you, you wouldn't forgive me. Mine, right?”

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