Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 810 The little princess and her vampire empire (118)

So she picked up the plate and prepared to walk out the door.

Just as he took a step forward, Adel grabbed his arm from behind.

"Why, you heard that your two former lovers were going to kill each other, so you felt uneasy and wanted to run away?"

Adel overflowed with a sneer at her and said mockingly: "As expected of a human being who values ​​love and justice, unlike a vampire who is a cold-blooded creature who never forgets his old love for everyone."

Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at the vampire next to Adel.

The vampire subordinate lowered his head as if he didn't hear what they were saying at all.

It seems that he is a confidant who can be trusted.

Adel had a stern look on his face and signaled that the vampire could retreat. Then he looked at Jiaoyang, who was not far away from him and seemed to be having trouble with him.

Jiaoyang was unhappy now and turned away, pretending not to see his gaze.

Just because she showed weakness in front of Adel didn't mean that he could show her weakness in front of other subordinates, which would greatly lower her status in the entire vampire palace.

"Come here." Adel called out, but Jiaoyang still didn't respond.

This was the first time ever, and Adel was a little dissatisfied.

"come over."

Adel called her again, but still couldn't get a response from Jiaoyang. He frowned, walked out of bed, and picked up Jiaoyang's thin body.

"What's going on?" Adel twitched the corner of his mouth, turning his head away from Jiaoyang and looking at himself again, "Did I get it right and expose your worries about Lester and Cary?" What’s on Xia’s mind, that’s why you treat me like this?”

Jiaoyang glared at him angrily: "So what if I'm just worried? Calisia is my royal brother and Lester is my best friend. It would be weird if I wasn't worried. But what about you, Adel? Don't you think you're even weirder? I've told you countless times that things are over between me and them, and now you are the only one in my heart. Okay, you don't have to accept it, but you You can't do this to me and at the same time hold on to the past.

You can not want me, or you can keep hurting me and making me sad. I will treat it as something I owe you. When no one is around, I can follow you and satisfy your machismo, but this doesn't mean that you can expose my shortcomings at will in front of outsiders. You are comfortable, but I don't want to lose face? If these things really spread in the palace in the future, then I might as well die! "

Adel was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but laugh. He thought her angry look was so cute, like some kind of milky and fierce animal, and without any deterrent.

But there was still a cold war between him and her. If he showed his emotions like this, he would be suspected of showing his kindness in front of her.

So in order to suppress the smile at the corner of his mouth, Adel's expression became even colder and ruthless.

He mocked: "If you hadn't had those romantic pasts, why would I be suspicious of you. No matter what happens to you in the future, Sheng Jiaoyang, remember, you brought it on yourself."

After saying this, Adel reached out, spread Jiaoyang's legs, picked her up, and let her sit on his waist.

Adel soon fell into defeat again. He tightened Jiaoyang's waist, looked gorgeous, and said with a trembling and unsteady voice: "No matter what you are enduring now, you brought it on yourself."

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