Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 820 The little princess and her vampire empire (128)


Jiaoyang was stunned for a while, then her eyes widened in surprise, she ran over happily and hugged his waist.

The body of the vampire in front of him became a little stiff, and his limbs became a little unnatural.

He raised his hand, then took it back, put his hand behind his back, and said softly "Hmm".

Jiaoyang was sure of something at this moment, so the corner of her mouth curled up in the dark, but she quickly put it down.

"Why did you come so early today?"

The little girl said, shaking his arm coquettishly.

She pouted her red lips and complained cutely: "You rarely come to see me recently. Do you think you don't love me anymore?"

"Adel" stretched out his hand, put it under his lips and coughed a few times, with his usual cold and serious expression: "The fighting on the frontline has become more and more serious recently, and I really have no time to distract myself."

"All right."

Jiaoyang nodded thoughtfully and generously, then took his hand and walked to the bed.

When "Adel" saw the bed in front of him, his body stiffened. Just as he was about to react, Jiaoyang suddenly turned around and looked at him suspiciously.

"It's strange, Adel, why are you so cold to me today? Didn't you hug me as soon as you walked in the door and wanted to spend every second in bed with me?"


The "Adel" in front of him almost broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

The next second, Jiaoyang stretched out her finger and glared at him angrily: "You said you don't love me anymore, you have lost interest in me, tell me! Did you fall in love with someone else?"

"Adel" was startled by the sudden loud voice. He stood up almost out of impulse, immediately took Jiaoyang into his arms and fell on the bed with her.

He placed his hand on her back, keeping a safe distance between them.

"How could I possibly fall in love with someone else?"

"Adel" smiled helplessly at her and stretched out his hand to scratch her cute little nose: "From the beginning to the end, you are the only one by my side."

Jiaoyang curled her lips: "That's pretty much it."

She raised her head, while "Adel" lowered his head. The distance between the two was extremely close. Jiaoyang's hand was still on his neck, and their breaths were intertwined. An ambiguous atmosphere flowed between them.

"Adel" was stunned, and was the first to react. He took a deep breath, raised his body, and immediately wanted to get up from the bed: "I forgot to tell you, the military affairs are really busy recently. , I also took the time to take a look at you, and I have to go back and continue right away."

The voice of "Adel" stopped, and he looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, his eyes falling on her and unable to take them away.

Jiaoyang took the initiative to untie the strings on her skirt, wrapped her pale arms around his neck, stood on tiptoes, and proactively kissed "Adel" on the lips.

When their lips touched, he was almost stunned.

She seemed to be twitching the corners of her mouth, wondering if his mind was not very clear. All this was vaguely visible. Her voice was full of bewitching and fell in his ears: "I know you are very... I’m tired, so just let me do it next.”

Immediately afterwards, "Adel" was pushed down on the bed by Jiaoyang. She covered him with a smile and unbuttoned his belt with her white fingers.

"Adel" couldn't remember the specific final process. He only remembered that the feeling made him almost scream and fainted on the spot. Later, he remembered that he seemed to be unable to control himself and turned over. Next, he possessed this woman crazily.

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