Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 822 The little princess and her vampire empire (130)

Therefore, during this period of time, Sa'an has already suffered humiliation that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

All the five vampire generals knew about this matter. Among them, two brothers, Lester and Sidel, who already hated Kalisia deeply, were involved. Rusfan was just joining in the fun, while Lambert looked on with cold eyes.

However, due to various reasons, the other vampires did not report the matter to Jiaoyang.

Except for Ru Sifan, perhaps because of his keen and cunning nature, he sensed a sense of crisis. In order to deliberately show his sincerity and difference in front of Jiaoyang, he deliberately asked his subordinates to inform her about the matter.

The ground was cold, the atmosphere was extremely gloomy, there were mottled blood stains everywhere, and there was also the smell of putrid corpses.

Edgar put on his white leather gloves and walked up with a smile on his face. With a bright smile on his face, he picked up the metal pliers placed on the table, holding a red-hot iron block.

He walked up to the woman who was tied to a pillar with disheveled hair and blood all over her body.

"Ah——" The woman who had been unconscious for a short time was quickly awakened by the pain.

Saan opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at the five red-eyed demons in front of him, his whole body trembling with fear.

"Kill me. You kill me."

The more painful and panicked her expression became, the happier Edgar stood in front of her.

He bent his eyes and had a bright and evil smile on his lips: "Are you begging for mercy now? Didn't you just look like you were stubborn and refused to accept anyone? Let me tell you."

Edgar lowered his eyes, a dark shadow falling from his eyes. He turned around casually and picked up another pot of molten iron juice on the table.

Sa'an was in pain all over his body, shouting and screaming crazily, as if he was in hell.

However, opposite her, Lester and Edel sat elegantly on the sofa, their legs in boots folded.

Holding a glass goblet filled with scarlet liquid in his hand, he watched the interesting performance in front of him with an interesting smile on his face.

"Domestic animals should have the consciousness of being domestic animals."

Edgar finished pouring the iron juice and used pliers to lift the chin of the weak-breathing woman in front of him: "There is nothing we can do. Who made you Calicia's fiancée? You should bear all this."

He raised the other can in his hand and made a gesture as if he was about to pour it down. With a bad smile on his face, he said condescendingly: "As long as you say that Kalisia is a humble and despicable low-class animal, she is a poor protector." I am a woman who is incompetent and a failed man who has already reached the end of his rope, so I can consider not falling down."

The woman looked at him with red eyes. The person whose breath was weak just now, heard Calisia's name now, even though her consciousness was close to losing consciousness, she instantly regained her steely willpower.

"You may kill me or torture me however you want, but don't even think about insulting Prince Calisia. Sooner or later, he will crawl out of the ground like you and drive all the demons who are despicable and dirty back to where you belong." The place!"

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