Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 826 The little princess and her vampire empire (134)

"This is impossible!"

Sa'an looked at Jiaoyang, she would never allow this dirty woman to tarnish her god.

There was a sarcastic look in her eyes: "Why, does my engagement with Prince Kalisia irritate you?"


"Are you jealous of this? So you show off your status in the prince's heart again and again in front of me. Isn't this just a manifestation of your jealousy?" Sa'an looked at her with a sneer, thinking of just now When she entered, one of the vampires walked over almost without thinking and hugged her waist in front of all the vampires. Sa'an instantly understood something in his heart.

"Because your life is not happy, because you have a face that can charm men, so in order to survive, you have to serve these blood-sucking thousand-year-old monsters, be played by them, and become a plaything that they can play with at will. Over time, , your heart is naturally twisted. Of course you will speculate more about other people's feelings, and of course you will not make others happy. "

Because Sheng Jiaoyang is a woman, and she is also a beautiful enough woman.

This is probably the only way she can survive.

Sa'an's eyes were full of compassion. She had experienced the cruel methods of those vampires, and her gloomy and scarlet eyes made her shudder.

How much mental quality does Sheng Jiaoyang need to be able to reach this point, and how much she has gone through to get to where she is today. Standing in front of her seemingly intact and brightly dressed, I am afraid that her character is no longer the same as before, and her heart has been distorted by being played with again and again.

Finally, she slowly uttered a sentence: "Sheng Jiaoyang, you are so pitiful, so pitiful, pathetic, and hateful."

If it were her, living like a zombie would be worse than death.

"I'm pitiful?"

Facing Sa'an's words, Jiaoyang pointed to her nose and raised her eyebrows in disbelief. However, she was not in a hurry to explain anything to her. Instead, Rusfan couldn't help but stepped forward, his eyes full of excitement. anger.

He knew how sensitive Jiaoyang was about being given to a vampire as a gift by the king, and how much psychological trauma this incident caused to her.

And Sa'an was still here casually exposing her scars again and again, and Rusfan wanted to break her neck on the spot.

"You said that Jiaoyang betrayed humanity, but do you know that it was not she who betrayed humanity, but you humans who keep talking about kindness and righteousness who abandoned her! Do you think all this was done voluntarily by her? Let me tell you, Sheng Jiaoyang was not snatched away, but was given to the vampire by your good king himself!

What do you think she should do, what else can she do? Let me tell you, if Jiao Yang's sacrifice hadn't bought the vampires a month or two of truce, your country would have been trampled to pieces by the vampire army! Not to mention whether you can still appear in front of us alive now, even your leader Kalisia is already a dead body! "

Hearing this, several vampires present looked at Jiaoyang with complicated expressions.

The little girl stood there, with a thin and frail figure. She lowered her head, making it difficult for people to see the emotions on her face, but it was so heartbreaking.

Sa'an's eyes widened in shock after hearing this.

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