Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 844 The little princess and her vampire empire (152)


Jiaoyang raised her chin and smiled thoughtfully: "Were you playing any interesting new tricks just now?"

She said, then tilted her head, and walked in the direction of Sa'an with graceful steps.

And Sa'an, who was still going crazy just now, saw Sheng Jiaoyang walking towards him step by step with a smile, and his mind suddenly flashed to the dark scene that day. This woman also wanted to be like this now, holding a Syringe, walking towards him with a bright smile.


Sa'an's eyes widened in an instant, and she kept retreating back. After realizing that there was a door behind her and no way to retreat, she began to scream heartbreakingly, waving her arms frantically to drive her away.

"Get out! You crazy woman, get out of here, get out of here -"

Calicia stood up from her position, and Fossey wanted to persuade her daughter to calm down.

Britton, who was sitting in the back, was keenly aware that Saan's stress reaction to this woman was greater than that to Rusfan.

"What's going on?" He looked at Jiaoyang's figure and murmured expressionlessly.

"It's going crazy."

Lester had immediately raised an arm to protect Jiaoyang behind him.

And the woman who went crazy on the ground, after shouting at the top of her lungs, tilted her neck, and fainted with a "pop" as if the farce was over.

"What the hell."

The corners of Jiaoyang's mouth twitched for a moment, then she turned around and decided not to pay attention to the "bump" on the ground.

She sat down on her own seat, and Lester also sat down next to her. Rusfan complained as if he was complaining: "Why did it take so long?"

Jiaoyang turned her head to glance at him, adjusted the microphone in front of her, and said nothing.

At this moment, her eyes suddenly turned a little and looked at Britton, who was directly opposite Calicia.

The man was sitting casually on his spot, but what Jiaoyang paid attention to was not him, but the woman beside him.

The two people were already a little close to each other, and with Sa'an's trouble just now, the woman was obviously frightened, so she subconsciously moved closer to the man she trusted.

The distance between them now, from Jiaoyang's side angle, almost looks like they are leaning together.

Jiaoyang didn't speak, and there was no expression on her face, she just stared with unclear meaning.

Britton's eyes fell on Jiaoyang from the beginning to the end, from the moment she entered the door. Of course, he could clearly feel that she was looking at him, so his heart couldn't help but mention it.

But feeling that gaze gradually becoming unpredictable, Britton felt an inexplicable chill all over his body. He felt inexplicably turned his eyes and glanced, and found that there was a woman beside him, who was still very close to him at this moment.

Britton was startled, and suddenly became nervous, as if the air pressure around him had dropped.

He remembered that day in her room, what she said to him seemed like flirting, but in fact it was more like a threat.

Britton reacted instantly. He took the chair under his butt and moved away from the woman, almost two meters away.

Then he looked at the distance between himself and the woman again. He breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at Sheng Jiaoyang in front of him with inexplicable inquiry: Is this okay?

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