Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 851 The little princess and her vampire empire (159)

Rusfan was secretly shocked, seeing all this.

He remembered that last time in the darkroom, before she took action, she seemed to have done the same thing as now, tying her hair back into a ponytail.

At that time, it seemed that he was worried that the blood would stain his hair?

After all, she said she hated being stained with the blood of inferior people.

So now, what does she want to do?

However, before Rusifan could think about it, Jiao Yang quickly loaded the gun, raised it and pointed it at Sa'an's back, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

At the same time, the corners of her lips rose: "Goodbye, Sa'an with a strong will."

With a gunshot that shouldn't have happened here, blood splashed, and the pupils of Sa'an, who had been rescued, dilated, and then she fell to the ground forever in front of her father Fossey.

"Sa'an!" Fossey screamed and hugged Sa'an's body. The wound on his back was still bleeding, which was shocking.

Everyone's breath was suffocated, and even Calisia raised her head in disbelief, looking at Jiao Yang who was leisurely playing with the muzzle of the gun over there.

As for the batch of vampire prisoners used for exchange, they had already been escorted to the vampire camp by Lester and Rusfan who responded promptly.

They probably guessed that killing Sa'an was part of His Highness Louis' secret order to Jiao Yang.

In this case, if Sa'an returns safely after being tortured, then she will not only represent a woman, but also represent the will of mankind to resist.

What His Highness Louis wants to do is to completely destroy the will of mankind and let mankind completely perish in endless pain and despair.

Perhaps there was also an element of testing whether Jiao Yang was loyal enough to the vampires. After all, His Highness Louis could not keep a woman who was two-faced to him by his side.

Lester looked at Jiaoyang with complicated eyes.

She looks as if nothing has happened now, but what about her heart? Being hated and resented by her former compatriots, no one would understand her difficulties. From then on, there was only one way left for her

Faced with the vampires' bad faith, people were angry and indignant. They raised heavy weapons one after another and aimed at the group of heinous vampires on the opposite side. The firepower was especially concentrated on the young and beautiful femme fatale in the middle.

When war comes, traitors will be more terrifying than enemies.

Britton looked at all this in shock. His body was frozen there, and he didn't even react to pick up the weapon.

Calicia stepped forward, her eyes filled with disbelief of shock and fear: "Do you know what you are doing, Jiaoyang?"

Lester and Rusfan subconsciously blocked in front of her, but Jiaoyang pushed them away and walked out gracefully and slowly from among them. A dark shadow fell on her face, making it difficult to see her expression clearly.

"Of course I know."

The corners of Jiaoyang's lips rose, and there was even a smile on her face: "Human beings are a species of ignorance, ignorance, selfishness and cowardice. However, there are always some alien beings who promote some views of the supremacy of human nature, causing more humans to be Blinded by a leaf, they think they are standing on the commanding heights of morality. The hypocrisy and noble character are infinitely magnified, while the dirty and ugly truth is discarded in the corner, no one cares about it even if it keeps stinking.

Therefore, in order to let more humans see their ugly true face, I had to personally eradicate those aliens that should not exist one by one. "

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