Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 854 The little princess and her vampire empire (162)

Rusfan twitched the corners of his mouth. After being shocked, his eyes were full of darkness.

"That's why you vampires are going back on your word!" Fossey was furious at this moment, but he was not going to lose his mind in front of this mysterious and terrifying vampire.

Kalisia's eyes were slightly stern. He didn't believe that Jiaoyang would do such a thing on his own initiative.

So...were you following Louis' order?

Louis didn't want to defend anything, he twitched the corner of his mouth sarcastically. He had always believed that words could not represent anything, and strength was the best counterattack.

The group of low-blooded domestic animals in front of him were obviously not worthy of his wasting a single word.

"Your Highness Louis."

When Louis turned back, his scarlet eyes gradually swept across the vampires present.

Lester slowly lowered his head, Rusifan also lowered his head without knowing his expression clearly, and finally Jiaoyang lowered his head.

Lewis' eyes were stunned, and he grabbed her fair and thin arm, which had a clear blood mark on it.

I don’t know when I was hit by shrapnel.

Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment, and then she noticed the wound on her arm.

She was so eager to see Lewis' abilities just now that she almost didn't pay attention to anything else, and that's when the shrapnel scratched her arm.

She didn't feel anything at first, but now her arm was grabbed by Lewis, the wound was clearly magnified in front of her eyes, and the pain became obvious.

So the little girl, who was squeamish and willful and determined to have more presence, instantly pouted her red lips and looked at Louis pitifully: "Lord Louis, it hurts."

Lewis frowned instantly.

Jiaoyang blinked and felt the dangerous aura on his body.

Her original intention was to ask Louis to heal her injuries. After all, don't vampires have the ability to heal naturally?

However, the vampire with long black hair in front of him directly picked up the little girl in front of him and led her towards the helicopter in front of all the vampires.

Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment, and her arms subconsciously wrapped around Lewis's neck.

I was hugged by him all the way, and I was still muttering: "My arm is injured, but it's not that I can't walk. The majestic image I had just now has been completely shattered by you doing this."

"If you can't speak, don't speak," Louis counterattacked unceremoniously, "If you don't want to be thrown to the ground by me even more shamelessly."

Jiaoyang's eyes widened instantly: "What?"

Lester looked at this scene in surprise and quickly ordered the vampires behind him who were still in a daze to follow. Rusfan followed, his eyes deep in thought.

Countless heavy weapons and artillery fire were aimed at them below, but in the face of Louis' arrival, no one dared to act rashly. If they were not careful, the whole group would be wiped out in a short time, leaving no corpses.

Dozens of helicopters with vampire logos quickly flew up, leaving wherever they came, and brought with them dozens of important prisoners of war who had been exchanged.

On the other hand, the human race was in a mess.

"You shouldn't make deals with vampires. Vampires are a group of rogue robbers who appear to be polite but actually don't keep their word. Trading with them is like seeking the skin of a tiger."

"This decision was really a major mistake, if it were the old king in the past."

After the accident, numerous hindsight came out and people were talking about it without hesitation.

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