Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 859 The little princess and her vampire empire (167)

Fortunately, in the end, Jiaoyang didn't remember where she smelled the fragrance, but turned her attention to another place.

She stared curiously at the face under Lambert's black robe, and put her finger on her chin: "Speaking of which, I have never seen Lord Lambert's true appearance. It feels mysterious. Now that We have decided to be friends, so we should be sincere when we treat friends, right?"

As Jiaoyang spoke, she was about to lift Lambert's black robe, but he grabbed her wrist.

"How stingy." The little girl muttered unwillingly.

Lambert couldn't laugh or cry, it was clear that she had unilaterally announced that she wanted to be friends with him from the beginning to the end.

Who wants to be friends with you, fool?

It was obvious that he didn't come here just to be friends with her.

"Let's take a look." Jiaoyang opened her eyes wide and coquettishly shamelessly.


Lambert rejected her very concisely, and then put down her hand, his voice was cold and slightly hoarse, and he was glad that she didn't notice it.

"why not."

Jiaoyang's eyes widened: "Is there anything shameful about you? Then Lester and Adel haven't seen what you look like?"


Lambert, who didn't dare to stay any longer, turned around, jumped out of the window quickly, and then disappeared into the sky without leaving a trace.

Tuliu Jiaoyang stood there, looking at his back with the corner of her mouth twitching.

"What a mysterious guy."

As the night progressed, Lambert stayed in his bedroom and silently took down the sachet with the amulet on him.

Under the black robe, the dark eyes are full of darkness.

The memory seemed to return to the fire a thousand years ago. Except for him, no vampire in the entire family came out of the fire.

He could not forget that time, his mother's sad and desperate eyes in the firelight: "Lambert, remember, you are a child born with a curse. If you don't want this nightmare to continue, you can only finish it alone." The journey down.”

In that fire, the only thing that accompanied him in escaping was the amulet beside him.

This amulet grew up with him, and in the days to come, he would not take it off unless necessary.

The Mokar family is a cursed family. Because the patriarch of the Mokar family angered the ancestor of vampires tens of thousands of years ago, he has been cursed ever since.

As soon as the next head of Mokal is born, the vampires in the entire family will encounter bad luck for various reasons, and all will be destroyed before the next head of the family comes of age.

Such tragedies followed the change of dynasties in the Mokar family, and they continued to encounter bad luck. Parents and relatives who were destined to die, and children who were separated from their parents when they were still young, have not been spared for tens of thousands of years.

It wasn't until Lambert's parents' generation decided to end this nightmare, which also announced the demise of the Mokar family.

Their child Lambert will be the last patriarch of the Mokar family.

For a long time, he has been wearing a black robe, not because of his special powers, but because he refused to communicate with the vampires around him. He had no relatives and no need for friends.

He is afraid of, even resists and resists, having those troublesome feelings with other vampires. He wears a black robe and is used to being alone.

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