Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 873 The little princess and her vampire empire (181)

"Jiaoyang, think about the days when you lived in the palace. Even if your father is sorry for you and he is very evil, there are still many people who really love and care for you here, right?"

Jiaoyang tilted her head and looked at him condescendingly, her eyes indifferent.

The king looked at Jiaoyang's cold eyes and fell into deep regret.

How he wished that all the absurd things in front of him were just a dream. When he woke up from the dream, the palace was still there. There were no dead people, no killings, and everything was peaceful. She is still his daughter, and their family of three is the same as before.

But all this is just a delusion after all.

"Jiaoyang, don't be blinded by hatred, you have to understand that you are not like this."

This time, before the king could finish speaking, Jiaoyang interrupted him.

"How am I doing now? Why do you think it was you who turned me into this, rather than me always being like this?"

Jiaoyang raised her gaze, not looking at him, but looking at the sky aimlessly: "Father, you are wrong. I have never resented everything you have done. This is your choice. And what I do now Everything is also my choice."

She finally set her sights on him again, but this time, the king's heart froze.

"Just like there are always some things in your heart that are more important than your daughter, so you need my sacrifice to keep what you want to keep. And in my heart, there are also some things that are more important than you The most important thing to keep is myself.

We just did what we wanted to do. Father, you said you were wrong before, but in fact you are the one who thinks like this now. You have never been wrong. This is not resentment or revenge, but a choice. I choose to become a strong man, survive, and also lead the humans and vampires who chose me to victory. I believe they need such a strong man as their leader, so that they can have a new life trajectory. "

Jiaoyang smiled and looked into the distance: "I believe as always that my name can be recorded in the annals of history and stay in history."

The king stared at her in disbelief.

In her eyes, he saw her own self.

And it is a self that will hurt others, never waver, and is extremist.

While the king was in a daze, she lowered her head again, the smile on her face disappeared, and returned to indifference again: "As for you, father, I gave you a chance, and I appreciate your wisdom and talent, so I I stayed, wanting you to choose me. But when that time came, you still made the same choice again, so on this road, it was not that you abandoned me, but the moment you made the choice , has been abandoned by me."

Jiaoyang raised the gun in her hand and pointed it at the king's head.

The king raised his hands with a wry smile, closed his eyes, and shed two lines of clear tears.

When did she become like this?

Why, he never found out.

The king was already remorseful at this moment.

All of this was caused by him, and it was he who caused the once innocent and harmless Jiaoyang to become what he is now.

He deserves to die. He has no face to face his people and ancestors, let alone his children. It is better to end this sinful life as soon as possible.

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