Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 883 The little princess and her vampire empire (191)

Jiaoyang took Britton's hand, and the two went outside for a walk together.

The humans who were practicing outside and the crowd of vampires who were watching eagerly stopped what they were doing and were stunned when they saw the scene of the human general and the human-turned-vampire walking out hand in hand, looking harmonious and friendly. .

Britton was a little panicked. He subconsciously wanted to withdraw the hand held by Jiaoyang. Just as he was about to make a move, Jiaoyang's voice suddenly came from his ears.

"Hasn't the general ever had a girlfriend?" Jiaoyang curled her lips and looked at him, "That's why you are so nervous."

Britten was stunned, her face turned red for a moment, and then she subconsciously retorted: "No way."

"Really?" Jiaoyang smiled for a while, not sure whether she believed it or not.

"I don't mean now, I mean just now."

"Just now?" Britton looked at her in confusion.

"Just now, when we were kissing." Jiaoyang bent her eyes with a bright light, and she gradually came closer to his face.

Britton froze on the spot, and just when he was panicking and feeling ashamed, Jiaoyang suddenly retracted his face, as if he had discovered a new world, and screamed at the couple next to him: "Britton, I want to be like them!"

Britton was stunned and subconsciously looked in the direction she pointed.

That was a human couple.

He remembered that he was in the army.

The man and woman are cuddling together, hugging each other sweetly. They are looking at the sky and clasping their hands together, as if praying for the future.

Britton pursed his lips, not knowing what he was thinking, and his face suddenly became cold and hard.

Quickly stepped forward: "Dating is not allowed in the army. How dare they violate military regulations? They..."

Jiaoyang grabbed him and complained with wide eyes: "You are so inhumane, General Britton."

Is he impersonal?

Britton turned back and looked into her eyes.

"You human army has many broken rules, but we vampires don't have such rules."

Jiaoyang curled her lips, then continued with a smile: "Obviously it is such an enviable thing."

"Are you envious?" Britton continued to look at her.

"Well," Jiaoyang nodded, "I want to be like them, falling in love while fighting, but why is it not allowed? Do you think falling in love will delay fighting, do you think soldiers will be jealous of each other, or do you think love will make people weak? ?”

"But I think you can't kill them all with one stick. At least in my opinion, if you have someone you like on the battlefield by your side, you will only become more fearless. If you win, we will go home together. If we lose, we’ll stay together, that’s what I really want.”

Jiao Yang held her head in her hands and looked at them with some longing in her eyes.

"You do the same. With whom?" Britten asked inexplicably.

Jiaoyang didn't speak, she just turned her gaze and looked at him deeply.

Their eyes met in mid-air.

Jiaoyang pulled Britton into a corner, pressed him against the wall behind him, stood on tiptoes, and took the initiative to kiss his lips.

Britton clenched her fists, her eyelashes trembled, and she lowered her head in response to the kiss she brought.

The world seemed to be quiet for a while, until the sound of footsteps appeared, breaking the quiet atmosphere here.

"Look what I saw."

Rusfan crossed his arms and looked at the two of them with a meaningful expression on his lips.

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