Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 894 The little princess and her vampire empire (202)

After Jiaoyang boarded the helicopter, she quickly flew back to the vampire clan's palace.

Only this time, she was walking in the corridor outside. Before the vampire came up to greet her, she had clearly noticed the difference in the situation this time. The air pressure around her felt very low, and there were not many vampires talking along the way.

She raised her eyebrows and asked Rusfan next to her: "What happened?"

Rusfan spread his hands and said with innocence from the bottom of his heart: "I have been following you from the beginning to the end. How could I know something that you don't even know?"

While Jiaoyang nodded with understanding, she did not forget to cast a slightly contemptuous look at a certain vampire noble.

Rusfan's mouth twitched slightly.

A group of vampires quickly arrived in the hall, just in time for this meeting. When Jiaoyang walked in, she could clearly feel the slightly weird atmosphere among the three generals in front of her, as well as the low air pressure surrounding the four rooms.

She and Rusfan walked to the front, but before she could say anything, Adel had already taken the lead and knelt down on one knee in front of Louis.

But this time, compared with the respectful look in Adel's eyes when he faced Louis in the past, Jiaoyang could clearly feel that there seemed to be a little more doubt in his eyes.

She blinked and heard Adel speak to Louis next to her: "Excuse me, Your Highness Louis, why are you carrying us behind your back to seal the curse stone to prevent the appearance of the ancestor? Is it because you are worried that after the ancestor appears, you will be shaken?" Is it the status of a vampire?"

One sentence was as shocking as the earth was shattering, and the sounds all around instantly spread.

Prevent the emergence of the ancestor?

Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously felt the power in her body.

She found that it was indeed much more stable than the restless trend before. It was not like it was running rampant in her body as before, as if it was about to break out of her body at any time. Instead, it was something that could be suppressed by her. At critical moments, it might even be driven by her. the power of.

Although she has not tried to use this power yet.


Jiaoyang raised her head in a daze and looked into the scarlet eyes in front of her.

Was he trying to help her? He hit the ground by mistake and happened to help her.

"Adel." Lester frowned. He just pulled Adel's arm and tried to stop him, but still failed.

He looked up at Louis who was sitting in the main seat, facing all the doubts below. Although there was a trace of doubt in his bright red eyes, he was still willing to trust His Highness Louis, who had led the vampire tribe for tens of thousands of years. .

Although there is some confusion in his heart, he is not as impatient as Adel.

In fact, he can understand and understand Adel's current anger. After all, the Sider family has suffered too much in this war, and Adel even lost his younger brother because of it.

Rusfan stood aside, holding his chin with his fingers, ready to listen to the show. It seemed that during his absence, many interesting things happened in the palace that were beyond his expectation.

The bright red eyes were aimed at Louis on the throne, and the corners of his mouth were raised teasingly.

It turns out that a vampire like Louis, who has been leading the vampire clan for tens of thousands of years, is also afraid that one day his position will be shaken?

Also, once the king who was once so aloof was pulled down from the throne and became subordinate to others, there would probably be many vampires who would want to see his jokes.

Lambert, on the other hand, was still standing in a corner among the five generals in black robes. He seemed to have no sense of presence, but was actually making his own plans.

"Is there any basis for such doubt?"

Jiaoyang, who had just returned, spoke up. She subconsciously spoke for Louis, not only because she still didn't know whether Louis knew about her actual condition, but also because for now, she didn't want more vampires to know. Her secret.

"The human race and the vampire tribe are still at war. I'm afraid what they want to see most is the internal strife of the vampire tribe. If you bring up these things to disturb the morale of the army at this time, I have reason to doubt your true purpose. What's more,"

Jiaoyang thought for a while and decided to test the attitude of these vampires towards the ancestor: "So what if she is the ancestor? Will you choose to abandon Her Highness Louis just because she is the ancestor, so as to support the ancestor as the new ruler? Moreover, she is the ancestor." As far as I know, the ancestor lost her body and only had her soul body left. Therefore, even if the ancestor appears, she will not stay for a long time. Even if she supports the ancestor, what will happen after she leaves? Don’t you still want to Listen to His Highness Louis, your attitude now does not seem like you want to be loyal to the ancestor, but it seems like you want to take advantage of this incident to cause trouble and make the empire fall apart."

"What Mr. Shanda said may contain your own selfishness."

A vampire stood up and expressed doubts about her: "The ancestor is the belief of all our vampire tribesmen. Not to mention that she only exists for a period of time, even if she only stays for a few minutes and seconds, we should wait for his arrival. For us to pay our respects. And His Highness Louis made the decision without authorization and prevented the ancestor from coming. This is already a great disrespect to the ancestor. According to the rules left by the ancestor, he can even be deprived of his royal status. Of course, he is not qualified to sit on the throne. Qualifications for the throne!”

"Really?" Jiaoyang twitched the corner of her mouth. Adel, who had already calmed down a little, pulled her, but Jiaoyang shook her away this time, and then looked at him, "I can't usually tell that General Ledo actually There is also the idea of ​​​​pulling His Highness Louis off the throne. His Highness Louis is the only royal pureblood in the world today. If he is pulled off the throne, who else is qualified to sit on it, General Ledo?"

"I didn't say it was me, I just stated the facts. Shanda people used to be indifferent to these things. Now, are their words too radical about this matter? Oh, I can also understand Shanda people's current attitude. Mood, after all, your current status has been supported by His Highness Louis all the way. With His Highness Louis' love and indulgence for you, you say that wind is like rain in the empire, so of course you will worry about whether the founder will be shaken if he appears. My lord, your status within the empire!"


Jiaoyang walked over and wanted to say something, but Lester and Lambert held her with one arm each.

The two sides looked at each other, not knowing what Xiao Jiujiu was thinking in the other's heart, but they somehow reached a tacit agreement and nodded to each other, then pulled Jiaoyang back.

And Rusfan thought even more. He was a born conspirator, and of course he was prone to conspiracy theories about some things.

Rusfan didn't know whether Louis was passionate about power, but it was a fact that he hid all the vampire subordinates and sealed the cursed stone alone to prevent the arrival of the ancestor.

He was thinking on the spot and looked at Lewis, always feeling that this matter was not that simple.

Two chapters in one.

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