Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 900 The little princess and her vampire empire (208)

A steady stream of power began to be transported from the cursed stone into her body. At the same time, the broken memories from before she was ten years old became more comprehensive.

How this body was born, the father who abandoned his wife and daughter, the mother who gave birth alone, the mother who wanted to drown the child directly after giving birth.

Then the child who escaped by accident fainted from hunger and fell on the road. People around him came and went and looked at each other coldly.

Until a voice appeared in her ears, mysterious, ancient, elegant, and captivating.

——"Do you want power?"

So the child answered without hesitation.

--"I think."

Then there is the story that follows, the skin that is still delicate and pale without nourishment, the physique that is getting weaker and weaker, and the breathtaking beauty.

"It turns out that because she became pretty enough, some villagers were willing to adopt her."

Jiaoyang laughed: "If this is the case, the villagers who seem to be honest and enthusiastic in the memories are actually the same people as the king."

"Then there's nothing to worry about, right?"

She tightened the curse stone in her hand, raised her head, and faced the group of souls running around in excitement above her head.

If one day, a human who is supposed to be weak and bullied has the power to destroy everything, what will she do?

Jiaoyang had a smile on her face: "Don't worry, of course I will lead the vampire clan and lead them to a brighter future."

Her choice made the whole of Europe, and even the whole world, crawl at her feet.

On this day, the meeting was held as usual. In the seat that should have belonged to Louis, a white-haired woman walked up, surrounded by several eerie souls, making ferocious sounds.

The surrounding vampires were all surprised. However, when the white-haired woman sat on the throne and faced them, the five generals who were already anxious and Jiaoyang disappeared completely froze in place.

"Jiaoyang?" Lester said in surprise.

Rusfan and others also had strange expressions on their faces.

What's wrong with Jiaoyang's hair?

At the same time, her temperament also underwent a completely different change, seeming to become more aloof and cold.

Jiaoyang likes to be beautiful very much, so every strand of hair on her body is taken care of very delicately, and the ends of her hair are permed and curled into tiny waves.

But now, her hair has turned into long and straight white hair, like snow, and the color is white. She looks very lonely and inaccessible.

And her eyes, like crescent moons when she smiles, feel very warm.

Now, all that remains is arrogance and indifference.

Jiaoyang sat high on the throne, wearing a white uniform and skirt, with long white hair and red pupils. Her appearance was delicate and aloof.

She glanced at Lester and looked away without much emotion.

The buzz around him became louder and louder, and Lester even became a little anxious.

"Jiaoyang?!" He called her louder.

This time Jiaoyang didn't even look at him.


One of the souls surrounding her spoke. The old and hoarse voice was reminiscent of the tree bark that had dried up after countless years: "This is Ella, the ancestor of our vampire clan! You guys are stupid. My subjects, when they see the ancestor coming, why don’t they show their respects?”

After the words fell, Jiaoyang's expression remained unchanged while sitting on the throne, while the surroundings fell into a strange silence.

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