Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 909 The little princess and her vampire empire (217)

"Jiaoyang became like this."

Kalisia looked at the indifferent white-haired Ella, recalling the bright smile that once bloomed on that face and the memory of his carefree childhood in the palace, her voice gradually became choked up.

"It has an inseparable relationship with all of you vampires. No," he kept shaking his head, and then said, "it has an inseparable relationship with all of us, and you vampires."

"So what's the use of your unnecessary regrets? Now we should try our best to compensate her and leave the world in her hands. Is it wrong?"

Lester looked at Calisia with a cold expression.

"Are you sure that the vampire standing in front of you now is still Jiaoyang?"

Calicia's finger pointed at the white hair, with a bright and evil smile hanging on her lips. Calicia looked at her with deep hatred on her face.

It was the existence of this vampire that made the kind and lovely Jiaoyang disappear in his memory. Vampires have always had the ability to confuse people. The white-haired one in front of him must have taken advantage of Jiaoyang's sadness and despair towards humans to bewitch him. It possessed her, and then devoured and occupied her body and soul step by step.

It was she who killed Jiaoyang, and now all the evil deeds she had done would be blamed on Jiaoyang, how could he not hate him!

"Do you think Jiaoyang did what she did now based on her own heart? Maybe she is being suppressed in a corner of her body by this evil vampire in front of her, watching her crazy actions but being unable to do anything. , and all of you are helping the evildoer!

On the surface, it is to help Jiaoyang and make up for the harm Jiaoyang suffered in the past, but in fact, it is using this as an excuse to fulfill the selfish motives of you vampires! In fact, in your hearts, you have abandoned Jiaoyang a long time ago. You don't care at all whether this vampire is Jiaoyang or Ella. You only care about whether she is powerful enough and can lead you vampires to unify the entire planet!

You keep saying that humans have abandoned Jiaoyang, but what about vampires? What's better, you also abandoned her! If it was the real Jiao Yang, even if she wanted to resent her, she would not just resent humans, because vampires never caused less harm to her than humans! She will only be disgusted with this world, instead of ambitiously leading you vampires to fight against humans. "

After Calicia said this, he was very excited when he said these words, but the emotion in his eyes was still wise and calm.

Jiaoyang glanced at him with an indifferent gaze.

"So at this point, you still have to persist. Is this vampire standing in front of you still Jiaoyang?"

Kalisia's face was sarcastic, and her eyes were filled with coldness.

At this moment, the vampire with long white hair spoke. She played with her white hair, curled up the corners of her mouth, and her scarlet eyes were full of smiles.

"Brother Wang, you are right. As Sheng Jiaoyang, she has indeed suffered double injuries from humans and vampires. Judging from her past psychology, she will resent humans, and of course she will also resent vampires. In this way It seems that even if Sheng Jiaoyang wants to be resentful, he will only resent the entire world, and will not stand on the opposite side and fight against humans for the sake of vampires."

Jiaoyang brushed her chin with her fingers and made a thoughtful expression, analyzing the original motives and psychology from the perspective of a bystander.

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