Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 937 When the ancestor of vampires travels to the end of the world (10)

Huck and his daughter were finally reunited and were overjoyed.

"Wen Erxi, did the people here give you any trouble? Did you feel uncomfortable in any way? Did the people who took you away that day do anything to make you unhappy? Also"

Huck was about to continue Rory's long talk when he was interrupted by Wen Erxi frowning.

She stretched out her hand to stop her and pouted unhappily: "I'm fine, dad. After I was taken away by Uncle Haru, it didn't take long for someone to pick me up and put me in this place. It seems. He is called someone sent by Chief Wenren."

Hearing this, Jiaoyang, who had been ignored for a long time, moved her ears, raised her head and asked, "Who are you talking about? Chief Wenren?"

"Ah yes."

Wen Erxi nodded fiercely: "It was the man sent by the commander who rescued me and brought me white rice to eat."

At this point, she suddenly realized something and turned around to introduce Jiaoyang to her father. She didn't notice that Huck's face behind her was glazed over when he saw Jiaoyang.

"By the way, let me introduce you. This is my new acquaintance. Her name is Miss Ella. She is a distinguished guest at Bai Yier Palace today."

The smile on Wen Erxi's face was enthusiastic.

It was in sharp contrast to Jiaoyang's expressionless expression as she ate the dry white rice in her bowl.

Anyone who knows her knows that she is the ancestor of vampires.

Huck's eyes widened and his mouth fell open.

It turns out her name is Ella.

"How about it, Miss Ella is beautiful."

Wen Erxi's passionate eyes fell on Jiaoyang's face for a long time, but she didn't find any corresponding reaction from her father. When she turned around, she found that her father was staring at the little girl unable to move her legs, his cheeks puffing up in displeasure. .

"Dad?! Are you thinking about finding a stepmother for me again?"

This sound made Huck wake up, and he was frightened all over. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the little white-haired girl still eating with no expression on her face.

Then he turned his head, straightened his face, and glared at her sternly: "What stepmother? When did I look for my stepmother? When did I have such thoughts? What nonsense are you talking about, ah?!"

"I guess so."

Wen Erxi lowered his head and muttered, "After all, dad, you are so old. No girl can look up to you, let alone such a beautiful Miss Ella. She is old enough to be your daughter. Dad, if you do it secretly, It would be too shameless to think of an old cow eating young grass."

"What did you say?!" Huck's fist hardened and made a loud banging sound. "Is it itchy and you need a lesson?"

"Lulu Luuluo" Wen Erxi ran to hide behind Jiaoyang's chair, making faces and sticking out his tongue at him.

The spoon Jiaoyang was eating trembled, and the corners of his mouth twitched: Was the reason why he was threatened by others because of his daughter?

Therefore, in this apocalyptic world, it is better not to have any weaknesses.

"Miss Ella."

Jiao Yang's full face appeared in front of Huck. He could no longer pretend not to see it. Huck greeted her and looked embarrassed, thinking about what he had said and done to her in the desert.

Jiaoyang put down the tableware in her hand gracefully, picked up a tissue on one side, wiped her mouth, and nodded lightly.

Very much like an ancient aristocrat from the old days.

Wen Erxi walked out from behind the chair with a surprised expression and looked at the two of them: "Dad, Miss Ella, do you know each other?"

Huck said "Yeah", pulled his daughter back, and couldn't help but glance at Jiaoyang again.

He still hadn't forgotten that she had told him several times before that she was the ancestor of vampires.

He thought he was going to save her life, but in the end, it was her who saved his life. Before seeing her take action, Huck didn't care at all about the seemingly unreasonable things she said, but now he couldn't help but become a little concerned.

Could it be that she is really the ancestor of vampires?

Although it is very mysterious, everything is possible. After all, even the end of the world, which everyone did not believe before, has come.

However, Huck did not report what Jiaoyang had said to him before to his superiors. After all, these things were too sensitive. If she really wanted to say it, she would have said it herself.

Besides, no one would believe such a mysterious thing even if it was told. Wasn't there a group of humans who claimed to be from five hundred years ago who wanted to come here to cheat for food?

Jiaoyang reacted indifferently and sat on the chair without saying much else.

Wen Erxi looked at the beauty with long white hair curiously, and his curious eyes fell on her: "Dad, how did you meet?"

What happened in the desert was too dangerous, and coupled with the complicated interpersonal relationships in the search and rescue team, Huck didn't want to worry Wen Erxi, nor did he want her to be disappointed with human nature during this sensitive period.

So he said: "This Miss Ella once saved dad's life when he was on a mission."

After hearing this, Jiaoyang curled up the corner of her mouth with unknown meaning and made a soft "chi" sound.

Although the voice was very soft, Huck still heard it.

Huck was stunned, and his eyes once again fell on this little girl with excessive beauty but weird personality.

"What?!" Wen Erxi opened her eyes wide and reacted hugely, "Dad, has your life ever been in danger? Did Miss Ella save you?"

Huck nodded: "When dad encountered the army of royal insects, it was Ella who took action to eliminate them."

Wen Erxi looked worried and anxious: "Why didn't you tell me such an important thing?"

Then when he turned to Jiaoyang, the admiration for her in his eyes added another layer of gratitude: "So you saved my father."

She had already heard about Miss Ella's glorious deeds. She was cold-faced, kind-hearted, and jealous of evil, but she didn't expect to be kind to them.

Jiaoyang didn't say anything. She lowered her head indifferently and continued to eat what seemed to her like an endless meal.

Please, why should she respond to a small domestic animal? She is the ancestor of vampires.

Wen Erxi walked up to Jiaoyang, worshiped her, and looked at her with admiration.

"Thank you for saving my dad, Miss Ella."

Jiaoyang still ignored her.

"Although you look like you are repelling people thousands of miles away, I know that Miss Ella must have a kind heart. She is a person who is cold on the outside but soft on the inside."

Otherwise, how could you save a stranger?

Wen Erxi looked at her with a smile.

Who said that.

Jiaoyang picked up a mouthful of white rice and put it into her mouth, chewing it tastelessly.

"I wish I knew it was impossible, but one day in the future, I still want to be a person who truly contributes to this society like Miss Ella."

same as me? Then you're done.

Jiaoyang continued to complain.

Two chapters in one.

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