Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 967 When the ancestor of vampires travels to the end of the world (40)

After it was over, Jiaoyang smiled and reached out to touch the young man's cheek, feeling inexplicably concerned about the strength he had shown unintentionally just now.

She raised her chin, raised her eyebrows and teased him with a smile: "Xiao Rui, why is it a little different from the one in Gu's impression?"

He Lanrui was lying next to her, looking at her with tender eyes. He was stunned after hearing this, and then smiled at her, with deep attachment to her in his eyes, as soft and harmless as a little angel: "Of course it's because I care about you so much, Ella."

I am real.

Too afraid of losing you.

The young man said, reaching out and hugging her tightly, and buried his soft head on her body, seeking comfort.

He Lanrui hugged Jiaoyang, his whole body was close to her, leaving no gaps, and then he closed his eyes in contentment.

But his heart did not feel at ease because of the physical contact with her. Instead, he became increasingly worried about gains and losses.

Within a few days, Jiao Yang and Wen Renli had huge differences in how to solve the problem of nutrient solution supply.

Because the army of royal insects suddenly attacked the top floor of Baier Palace last time, although Jiaoyang took action and saved everything, some vegetables and fruits were still affected, resulting in insufficient supply of the latest batch of nutrient solution. situation occurs.

Wen Renli quickly issued an order, which meant that the nutrient solution used to sustain life for three days should be diluted and divided into two or three parts. In short, everyone should be able to receive the nutrient solution.

However, this also means that the time to supply a new batch of nutrient solution is imminent and the task is arduous. As long as there is a slight mistake, all mankind may be ruined.

Jiao Yang sneered at this. She sat on the sofa and laughed at his stupidity mercilessly: "In Zhao Gu's opinion, in the face of such a predicament, the really correct approach is to divide those people into poor areas and rich people." District. In today's world, those who will no longer contribute to society and will only drag themselves back in life should no longer be provided with nutrient solution. The nutrient solution should be given to those who are more useful, so as to ensure that human civilization can be fully developed. passed on as possible.

In the apocalypse, the winner takes all. Since resources are limited, why should we raise a group of people who only eat for free but are unlikely to contribute? If you want to protect everyone, you will achieve nothing in the end. This is God teaching you to learn to make choices, Mr. Wenren. "

But Wen Renli disagreed with this, and even frowned seriously, expressing strong opposition to her concept: "In this position, I am not the leader of a certain group of people, nor the ones you mentioned. As the so-called leader of useful people, all human beings and every living life are my responsibility.

Miss Ella, have you ever thought about it, when a man spends his whole life protecting his family and guarding his country, but when he becomes ill and has no strength to stand up, he is abandoned by the world to which he has devoted all his life? Abandoned, classified as the useless person in your mouth and starved to death, including the old, weak, women and children behind him, who were also thrown away like garbage by the powerful people above them.

Miss Ella, imagine how desperate this must be for this world. "

Jiaoyang was unmoved when she heard this, and the sarcasm on her face even became stronger: "It is indeed desperate, but they must learn to accept and accept this despair. After all, this is the end of the world, and their people in power are very wise and righteous. They have to understand that it is not their people in power or someone above who caused all this, but the world. Giving up on them does not mean giving up, but to preserve the most precious new life."

Wen Renli clasped his hands tightly and placed them on the coffee table, thinking silently, and then kept shaking his head.

"No. But who can do it and watch the compatriots who have devoted all their lives to their tribe die little by little?"

The way Jiao Yang looked at him, she felt as if she had wasted so much time and words with him, and she was a little annoyed unconsciously.

"up to you."

She walked towards the door: "Anyway, this is a world under your jurisdiction. What it will become in the end has nothing to do with Gu."

Wen Renli was stunned for a moment, came back from his thoughts, looked at her leaving back, and felt that she was angry.

"Miss Ella," he couldn't help calling her, and then smiled bitterly, "I know that although the method you mentioned seems cruel, it is the safest and most efficient method when facing the situation at hand, but I can not do it."

Jiaoyang stopped and glanced at him.

"After all, you don't understand." He smiled bitterly. "If one day you stand in the same position as me and watch your fellow tribesmen die one after another, you will understand."

Jiaoyang sneered in her heart and left expressionlessly.

He was wrong.

I didn’t understand it.

Because she actually does that all the time.

When she was the ancestor of the vampire who ruled the Vampire Clan, she started wars, toppled old idols, destroyed the royal city, and killed captives at the expense of many lives in exchange for the bright future she wanted.

She and Wen Renli have always been different people.

However, what Jiaoyang didn't expect was that Wen Renli and a research team found a solution to this crisis after almost forty-eight hours of non-stop research.

A new batch of nutrient solution was quickly sent, leading the human race to survive this crisis without any danger.

Even because of this research, a new set of nutrient extraction technology has been found. In the future, when providing the nutrient solution needed by humans, the materials required will be more economical. This can be regarded as an unexpected blessing.

In short, everyone was happy, but Jiaoyang sat on her chair a little unhappy and muttered: "Doesn't this mean that I am making trouble without caring about human life? There is a perfect solution, but I have to choose that cruel one." That way, that man must be thinking of me like this now. God is on his side and insists on slapping me in the face."

The more Jiaoyang thought about it, the more unhappy she became. Although she admired the leadership image and talents that Wen Renli had displayed in the past few days, at the moment, she was not in the mood to appreciate it at all.

She wandered around her room in a frenzy, continuing to pout her red lips and mutter: "Obviously what I did was not wrong, right? What if there was another outcome and their research failed? At such a big risk, Wouldn’t it be necessary for all mankind to be buried with him for his indecision?”

Two chapters in one.

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