Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 977 When the ancestor of vampires travels to the end of the world (50)

She came to say goodbye.

Hearing this, Wen Renli's smile froze on his face and his whole body became stiff.

Jiaoyang smiled, straightened her white hair that was blown by the wind, and was still in the mood to tease him in front of so many people and vampires: "What's wrong, you are so reluctant to leave alone, because you are worried that no one will help you kill bugs in the future. Yet."

Wen Renli felt sad for a while, then lowered his head and took a deep breath, and the smile returned to his face: "No, I just really envy the people there."

Jiaoyang smiled and rolled her eyes: "What are you envious of?"

"Well," the man was silent for a while, then replied, "Because I think you will be a very good leader. No matter whether you are a human or a vampire, you should feel very happy living under your shadow."

Jiaoyang looked at him meaningfully, smiled and said, "That's not true."

"No, you are."

Adel looked at her firmly and said, "And it's not just me, we all think so."

"Oh~ Really?" Jiaoyang turned around, her eyes falling on Lester with a meaningful look.

Lester pursed his lips, met her gaze, and nodded.

The corners of Jiaoyang's mouth curled up, her eyes darkened, and she smiled with unclear meaning.

Although this apocalypse is fun, Jiaoyang now wants to return to the world that belongs to her.

There were still a lot of unfinished things there, and there were a lot of vampires and humans waiting for her there.

After simply waving goodbye to Wen Renli, Jiaoyang and a group of vampires gathered together. When she was about to open the space-time astrolabe, she suddenly remembered something, curled up the corner of her mouth and said, "When I think about it, there are Important things were not done.”

Jiaoyang quickly dodged and teleported into the little king's room.

As always, it seemed to be filled with a warm and clean atmosphere, but now it was a prison in which he was imprisoned.

He Lanrui was leaning on the table, wearing the white pajamas he had worn when they first met.

The moment he saw Jiaoyang, he couldn't believe it for a moment, and then stood up in surprise. The scenes where they had been entangled countless times in the past appeared in his mind, and tears fell down his milky white cheeks.

She still can't let go of him, right?

The young man rushed over and hugged Jiaoyang's waist. His voice trembled slightly with his breathing. He buried his soft face on her body and acted coquettishly to her as he had done countless times before: "These days since you have been here, I often have no choice. When I fell asleep, I thought a lot about the words you said to me that day for a long, long time.

I figured it out and admitted that you were right, but I still hate, I hate that man. He took away everything that belonged to me, rights, glory, dignity. Now he wants to take you away from me. How can I not resent him?"

However, in the face of the young man's confusing confession to her, Jiaoyang smiled dangerously.

She pushed He Lanrui away, but let her pale fingers touch his cheek, smelling the alluring fragrance on his body: "I'm here to eat you completely, He Lanrui."

"Since the beginning, you have deliberately planned to get close to Gu, and the price of wanting to take advantage of Gu is also regarded as a gift for Gu's trip to the end of the world."

He Lanrui froze in place, looking at her dreamily for a long time.

In the end, he cried and unbuttoned his pajamas one by one. The pajamas fell to the ground. The young man took the initiative to press his body close to her, and his tears fell to the ground.

"Okay." He was trembling all over, but he smiled happily and closed his eyes. "At least this way, we can be completely integrated. No one can separate us."

Jiaoyang quickly returned to the place where she smelled the blood on her body. The two vampires next to her knew that she had eaten and secretly exchanged glances with her.

Jiao Yang was really leaving this time. Before pressing the button to go back, she suddenly raised her head and looked at the man in front of her that she admired.

Asked for the last time: "Are you willing to go with Gu? Sir Wenren."

Because Jiaoyang knew clearly in his heart that this world could not last for too long, and resources were constantly being depleted. No matter how talented their leader was and how brave he was to sacrifice, human beings could not defeat nature, and his doomed tragic ending could already be expected. .

Just like Calisia, who knew that the outcome of the battle was doomed to failure, but still resisted and persisted until the end, he was a heroic figure full of tragedy.

But in this world, a second miracle will never happen again.

Lester took a breath, and Adel looked at her in astonishment and grabbed Jiaoyang's hand jealously.

Wen Renli was stunned for a moment, and upon hearing her proposal, a happy smile appeared on his face.

But he still shook his head and rejected her proposal.

For him, not only does this land need him, but the place she invites herself to is another world where she exists. Where there are stories about her and other people, if he goes there, there may not be his. A place to stay.

In this case, she might as well let his existence become special in her heart.

"Okay," Jiaoyang shrugged knowingly, "I knew I would be rejected."

However, it is still out of a certain psychology that I want to give it a try.

He wanted to compare the weight of two things in his heart. He simply wanted to know. Now that he had come to the conclusion, he did not stubbornly feel unwilling to do so.

Jiaoyang pressed the button.

However, just as a familiar white light flashed and she was about to leave, Wen Renli suddenly asked her:

"Miss Ella, do you believe that there are parallel worlds in this world?"

Jiao Yang was stunned in the white light and looked at him.

Wen Renli looked at her expression, and a smile appeared on his pale and pure face.

This sentence was what she had asked him in her memory.

At that time, he was dubious and puzzled. It wasn't until the moment he saw her again that he finally understood.

Maybe she has passed away in this world, but maybe she still exists in another world, and she can be safe, happy, and happy.

Wen Renli felt very happy knowing that she who had passed away might still be alive and well in another world, so even if she left, he would not give up on himself.

Before Jiao Yang could react, Wen Ren told her the answer he didn't have time to make at that time.

He put his hand to his mouth, smiled, and told her.

"I believe."

When the dazzling white light in front of him passed away, he stayed forever, and the land behind him.

Wen Renli will always belong to this land, even if it is just a desert.

The man is wearing a white protective suit, and behind him is a group of researchers who also shoulder important responsibilities.

And behind them is a golden desert that seems to have no end in sight.

Wen Renli raised his head and stared steadily for a few seconds in the direction where the white light disappeared. Then he turned around, dispelling his sadness, and his steps and eyes became firmer.

"Let's go, we still have a lot of unfinished things to do."

In the distance, Toledo, who was about to arrive at the Baier Palace, looked up at the fleeting white light in the sky, felt something, and a bitter smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

"Again," you liar.

With a strong flash of white light, Jiaoyang and a group of vampires returned to the vampire palace.

Jiaoyang was stunned for a moment, then raised her eyes.

The familiar faces in front of her looked at her with different expressions.

Suddenly, everything seemed like a big dream.

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