Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 990 Doomsday Crisis (12)

Jiaoyang spat out the foam from her mouth and couldn't help but twitching when she saw Sheng's mother's name on the caller ID.

"I'm probably going to get nagged again." Jiaoyang smiled at Wen Renli and scratched her head in annoyance.

Wen Renli quietly picked up a piece of apple behind her and ate it silently.

When she answered the call, the first thing the other party said was to curse. Jiaoyang expected it, so she moved the phone away from her ear. However, the content of the words made her suspect that she had not heard clearly and wanted to hear it again. .

"What are you talking about, asking me to get engaged to Wen Renli, and the date of the engagement ceremony has already been set?!"

Jiaoyang was startled and couldn't help shouting in panic.

Wen Renli was eating an apple and his eyes moved over silently.

Jiaoyang was almost furious, but she still held it back and waved her hand at him with a smile.

Wen Renli turned around obediently and walked out of the bathroom door where she was.

Thinking of her first reaction just now, a trace of doubt flashed in her dark eyes.

He was worried that the rumors outside would harm her because of this incident, so he tried his best to handle everything as quickly and efficiently as possible.

As long as she wakes up, she can be his most beautiful bride. But why... did she look unhappy just now?

It was probably because he was too surprised that he didn't react.

After thinking everything through, Wen Renli nodded clearly, opened the door and walked out.

However, the moment Wen Renli turned around, the smiling expression on Jiaoyang's face changed and turned into gritted teeth: "You want me to get engaged to that guy Wen Renli? Is there any mistake? Doesn't that guy already have a fiancée? ?"

"You still have the nerve to say this, and you've learned how to take advantage of it and behave well, right?"

Sheng's mother scolded angrily, "Young Master Wenren went to the Lu family early this morning to cancel the engagement. Because of this, your Uncle Lu and Aunt Lu are still making trouble with your parents. . You, you, your family is just too used to you, and you can do all kinds of daring things. Fortunately, this well-known man is a responsible man. If it were another man, a bad one, he would kill you directly. Believe it or not, he ran away after eating it."

"But" Jiaoyang was stunned, "Is it necessary to get engaged so soon for this kind of thing?"

For those who didn’t know, I would have thought that the baby in her belly was already four or five months old.

"Why is it not necessary? Why, you have been wanting to fall in love with this famous gentleman all day long. He is about to become your husband, and you are not happy about it? You have the nerve to ask why so soon, You two young people just do everything without saying a word, and you don't even take any measures. What if you get pregnant? This is a serious matter that can cause death!"

The corners of Jiaoyang's mouth twitched, and she was a little resistant to the upcoming engagement. Now listening to Sheng's mother talking on the phone, she was even more upset.

Everyone else knew about it, and just as she was about to ask if there was any other way, the phone was snatched away by Father Sheng who was listening next to her.

"You don't know your daughter at all," Sheng's father finished talking to Sheng's mother, and then continued to talk to Jiaoyang, "Listen, dad knows what you are thinking. We all know that this happened. I am also very scared and at a loss not knowing what to do, but Jiaoyang, listen, since it is your decision, no matter what the result is, you must be responsible for it to the end. In the past, you were supported by your parents. A treasure in the palm of your hand, but from the moment you get married, you are no longer a child."

"Perhaps for your current mood, marriage is the best guarantee for you, but you believe in your parents and that man. After the engagement is completed and the rumors around you dissipate, I will give you the most grand wedding."

Hearing this, Jiaoyang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yes, isn’t there a gap between engagement and marriage?

"Yes, it's just a pity about Captain Xino," Sheng's mother cracked melon seeds and was still thinking about her original prospective son-in-law, who was so handsome and handsome. It's a pity, "I originally thought of killing him like this. Detain him here to force him to marry you. Who knows, it might be destined."

Forced marriage?

The corner of Jiaoyang's mouth twitched and she asked in a low voice: "After the engagement, when will the wedding be?"

Father Sheng's eyes showed an expression of "Sure enough," and he looked at Mother Sheng with pride: Look, I know my daughter better. Jiaoyang is not afraid of marriage, but she is eager to move into someone else's house with her wedding dress in hand.

Sheng's mother rolled her eyes and continued eating melon seeds on the sofa.

"Based on the current situation, if nothing unexpected happens, it will take at least another three or four months."

Jiaoyang's eyes were brighter. According to her estimation, the S-level army of royal insects would begin to wreak havoc on the land in this area in two to three months at the latest.

By that time, no one will probably remember her engagement.

"That's great," Jiaoyang nodded with great satisfaction and hung up the phone. "I'm very much looking forward to that day."

When the engagement ceremony was finalized, Jiao Yang and Wen Renli lived together for a while. When they were in the institute, they stayed together almost every day.

She also followed Wen Renli and seemed to have learned a lot. She was always surprised by the space.

This caused other people in the institute to be full of respect and admiration for her, lamenting that the woman liked by the famous master was indeed not an ordinary person.

Jiao Yang is the perfect wife, beautiful, good-tempered and talented.

After being discovered by those who appreciate talents in the institute, Jiaoyang also changed from a luxurious dress to a white researcher uniform.

And Wen Renli was promoted to dean because of his increasing success in research excellence.

One day half a month later, the two held a luxurious and grand engagement ceremony.

Father Sheng and Mother Sheng looked at their grown-up and sensible daughter in a wedding dress, with a happy smile on their faces.

Jiaoyang was wearing a white gauze and stood in front of a man in a black suit.

Wen Ren looked at the little girl standing in front of him. She was wearing a pure white wedding dress, and the white dress particularly complemented her. She smiled at him, as beautiful as a dream.

The man was stunned for a moment, then raised the corner of his mouth, stepped forward, and lifted the white veil covering her face.

There was a burst of cheers all around.

"Wenrenli" Jiaoyang smiled with unknown meaning.

So, your deceased wife is indeed me.

Two chapters in one.

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