Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry

Chapter 998 Doomsday Crisis (20)

Jiaoyang felt that since Toledo had that kind of relationship with her, there was no need to hide the matter with Xino from him anymore.

That day, Jiaoyang first went to the base to find Sino and went there with him once. Then Sino drove Jiaoyang back. Just when they were leaving, Jiaoyang opened the car door and just walked out a few steps, and was stopped by Sino again. He pulled her back and blocked her lips.

The two kissed for a long time at the door. After they separated, Jiaoyang glared at him. It was that charming look in her eyes. It looked like she was acting coquettishly.

Xino couldn't help but curled his lips and pinched her little face: "What are you worried about? The man is not here anyway."

Since the last accident, Toledo never knew how to face Jiaoyang. Even if he accidentally bumped into her in the house a few times, he would pull up his collar and run away without looking back.

However, at this moment, when he was standing by the balcony window in a complicated mood and thinking about something, he happened to have a panoramic view of the scene that happened on the first floor.

Toledo's eyes widened to the point of splitting.

When Jiaoyang unlocked the door and came in, before she could react, the young man rushed over and pushed her down on the sofa.

On the delicate little face, the exposed red eyes were ferocious and terrifying.

Toledo once again resorted to "doing what he said", forcing Jiaoyang to reach out and wrap his arms around his waist, and once again indulged himself and her.

Toledo held her tightly, his eyes were red and lost, and he asked her over and over again in her ear, "Do you like me, your lover, or your fiancé?"

So, Jiaoyang lived a life of lingering with Sino at the base, and being conquered by the jealous and vicious Toledo when she returned home.

At this time, in my memory, the S-level imperial insect army, the most severe disaster in history, was finally coming, but this time Jiaoyang was fully prepared.

As a SHPV patient, Toledo is the only one who can fight the virus in his body. At the same time, he has also been stimulated to have unlimited potential, such as insect-like keen insight and tearing ability. With the ability to bite and fight, as well as huge strength and an almost indestructible body, he officially became a high-level warrior.

Xino and Toledo both went to the battlefield because of this disaster, leaving only Jiaoyang without powers at the base.

Before setting off, Toledo looked at her with complicated eyes, and there was always a bad feeling in his heart.

He stepped forward and held Jiaoyang's hand tightly. The usually arrogant and unsociable young man pursed his lips tightly at this moment, but his eyes showed rare nostalgia and reluctance.

"I don't want us to become like Master and you, so we must wait for my return safely."

Jiaoyang smiled and was noncommittal.

However, tragic history always repeats itself. Faced with more and more imperial insect attacks in the south and more and more land being devoured, the royal family finally made the decision to abandon that area and ordered Wen Renli to leave with him. The army he led immediately returned to the army.

However, the Wenren family, which has always been loyal to the royal family, turned out to be rebellious.

Wen Renli actually refused the imperial orders that were constantly being issued, and insisted on sticking to this place, and to this land called "Arafuk".

"If the necessary moment comes, I will choose to sacrifice myself." That's what he said when he stood on this land.

When the end of the world came and a space-time flying saucer could escape the earth, this man's choice was to stay foolishly; when the emperor insect was about to devour the south and wanted the master to return to the court, this man's choice was still to stay.

Jiaoyang laughed in anger. After learning the news, she rushed from the safe center of the base to the crisis-ridden southern front line without hesitation.

However, when she encountered an army of emperor insects on the road, she was bitten on the wrist by the emperor insects without any further struggle.

When she rushed to Wen Renli's side and saw his unbelievable eyes that were so painful that he was about to suffocate, Jiaoyang finally laughed happily.

"Look, this is all because of you."

In the following time, Wen Renli stayed with Jiaoyang, taking care of her meticulously, worrying that something would happen to her, which made Jiaoyang almost forget what he said before about sacrificing himself to save the south.

So one day, after Wen Renli bandaged her injury, Jiaoyang suddenly asked, "You're still going to leave, right?"

Wen Renli's hand on her body paused and froze.

Jiaoyang got angry, "Which one is more important is me or those people in the south."

Wen Renli was in pain, and his heartbeat was extremely heavy every time.

In his heart, nothing was more important than her, but he still couldn't help but watch so many people die, and he couldn't escape from the position where he should have those responsibilities.

"But in this world, this desolate world, someone must stand up."

"But why does the person who stands up have to be you?" Jiaoyang looked at him for a while, then suddenly smiled, "I know your answer."

In this case, then you should spend your whole life loving this world and everyone in this world.

It’s just that I will never be in your life again.

Remember, this is your choice.

After Wen Renli left, Jiaoyang stayed alone in the room, with the corners of her mouth slightly hooked, looking at her bandaged arm and murmuring.

"Why do all the good people let you do it, but let the people around you bear the consequences? All this is doomed, you can only watch me go."

The puppy lying beside the bed seemed to feel something. He looked at her with sad eyes and kept whimpering in his mouth, making a "wuwuwu" sound.

Jiaoyang tilted her head and suddenly thought of the world five years later, where it would be wagging its tail in the corridor and running towards her on its four short legs, and couldn't help but smile.

She bent down, raised the corners of her mouth, and touched the puppy's head: "Why are you crying? You can still see me again, but I can no longer see you."

The final guardian battle took place on a dim morning.

There are dense clouds here, the gray sky is blocked by thick clouds, and there is no longer any light. There were corpses and broken walls everywhere, with no life at all.

Wen Renli activated the "Soul Control Technique" to summon the dead souls, stood at the front, and stepped closer to the depths of the Imperial Insect Army.

He has decided that today, he will die together with these S-class emperor insects.

He just walked as firmly as ever, but still hesitated a little when he thought of the little girl behind him.

With her stubborn temper, she will definitely be angry with him, right? I'll be so angry that I won't forgive you for the rest of my life.

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