Quick-wearing Female Disguise As a Man To Dismantle CP

Chapter 88: Interstellar Prison Escape Rules (14)

Sitting for a while, it will soon be as expected by the group of people in the live broadcast room who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

Smelling the alpha of the pheromone on Shen Qing's body, she couldn't sit still.

Although Shen Qing was temporarily marked by Marshal Meiyu before, but after so long, she almost disappeared.

With the help of the small brain axe, I tried my best to help her hide the smell.

The reason why I found out so late was because Cerebellum Axe deliberately left his scent on Shen Qing's body.

To them, this taste is simply life, no, it is the shadow of beasts.

When the small brain axe was locked in before, I was overjoyed to find the same kind. At first, they did not know that the small brain axe was the future of the beast planet of the future. They want to teach this company a human form A beast that does not know.


No doubt hanged.

Now Shen Qing seems harmless to humans and animals, but they who have been tortured before will never dare to approach.

Hide as far away as you can.

If it weren't for the uniform time for meals in the prison, they would have run away.

Where will it stay until now?

Ordinary people are so foolish, and now there is a group of powerful a.

The first time they saw Shen Qing, they couldn't help showing their muscles.

In an instant, a group of muscular men appeared in front of me.

What human suffering is this?

Shen Qing, "…"

Sister Meiyu is at least a beautiful woman, and sure enough, female a is also rare, and there is not one in this prison. Although this is a prison, A who has been single for a long time is not good. Without a daughter-in-law, he can't help but kill and set fire to vent.

So the singles in the past five hundred years are all in prison.

Shen Qing, these unattractive guys, what are you showing?

I finally hid in prison, but my identity as an omega is still such a fool.

Shen Qing and sadness looked up at the chandelier at a forty-five-degree angle, and then single-handedly smashed all the alphas. Then, by virtue of his privilege as O, the prison guards dragged the group of A who fell down without taking action.

Although if it is one-on-one, Shen Qing can't beat any a.

But a is not allowed to shoot at o, and this is a group of a who have never seen o, they are thinking about how to abduct Shen Qing this o, how can it be possible to attack Shen Qing?

Even when Shen Qing shot, this group of a was a little afraid of hurting Shen Qing's delicate little hands.

After all, Shen Qing looked too weak.

However, they ignored Shen Qing's combat power.


The world is quiet.

The live broadcast room also fell into a strange silence.

Is it so light, so powerful?

Also, he beat other prisoners in prison, is it really okay?

"o is protected by law, any a hit by o is - deserves it. Anytime and any place, o is free from legal sanctions and shoots at a casually, and if a hurts his hand If you do, you will still be punished."

"As we all know, o's combat effectiveness is weaker than ordinary people, even emotionally sensitive, and cannot be stimulated casually. For this reason, the country has also enacted many o protection laws, but, why is Shen Qing so strong ? Can even beat a?"



Silence, once again fell into a dead silence.

It is o, yes, it is well known that o is weaker than ordinary people, why can you hang a?

Although Shen Qing was surprised just now, can ordinary people be able to defeat a group of a's by surprise?

Absolutely impossible.

This is fake.

But those who were completely out of control before, couldn't be fake at all.

The powerful a is in front of o, and I wish I could show 1.2 million points of strength.

Is this group of a really too weak?


Thinking of the terrible person who used poison, the live broadcast room fell into a strange silence again.

Then someone summed up the tricks Shen Qing used when he just beat people, and then found that they were all related to his brothers.

"The big brother of the all-star Sanda champion."

"Fourth Brother of the God of Fighting."

"The fifth brother of the sword master."

"The sixth brother in the top section of Taekwondo."

"It is known as the starling with the same fighting power and strong spiritual power as a."

Shen Qing's mix of punches and kicks softened all the styles of her brothers. It can be said to be very strong and violent.

In addition, Shen Qing also has:

"The ninth brother of the cold weapon master."

"The tenth brother of the thermal weapons expert."

"Although his third brother is a biologist, he works in the criminal trial room and understands the weaknesses of each ethnic group best. There are no undercover agents and intelligence officers who can't open his mouth."

"The Eleventh Prince is kinder, the only prince who has no force output. But... this is the first diplomat of the Xingyuan Empire in a thousand years. Any country he visits , there is no place that is not subdued.”

"Why do you say that?"

"The Eleventh Prince has a three-inch tongue, one mouth can not only make people cry, but even call a brother with a random interstellar phone call. Then..."

"Got it!"

The eleven princes of the Xingyuan Empire are the benchmark for the king of the Xingyuan Empire to maintain the sovereign territory!

Just pick one out, and it's a frightening existence.


Also, each has a long history.

It can even scare children from crying.

Of course, the focus is not on the eleven princes.

People of different ethnic groups all over the interstellar are waiting to watch the fun.


Lively is lively.

But it's not what they imagined.

"This Shen Qing, shouldn't every one of his older brothers have a little bit of ability?"

"Is that a point?"

"It's completely slung and crushed."

"The monster..."

Thinking of the fact that Shen Qing was pampered by a group of brothers, and how he behaved since he was in prison, the crowd watching the excitement faintly felt a little pain in his face.

But even so.

I can't help but pay attention to Shen Qing like a charm.

I look forward to seeing Shen Qing being bullied, and I want to see Shen Qing slap them in the face again.

There are even a group of people who seem to despise Shen Qing, this scumbag.

Behind the scenes, I couldn't help taking screenshots and recordings to collect the pictures of Shen Qing's bright moments. Every day before going to bed, I would take a look after opening my eyes, and then giggling like a lunatic.

The little prince of the Xingyuan Empire.


He is so cute!

Also a treasure boy.

Love, love.

I have to say that Shen Qing beat more than a dozen a's, and successfully quelled the rest of the prisoners.

Although part of this is because of his strength, the most important thing is-

The group a are all leaders in the prison, or the guys who can't be messed with.

Shen Qing is an o.

As we all know, a is possessive and protective of o!

In particular, this is a single scumbag!

The group of older singles a.

Even if she was beaten lightly by Shen, she was dragged out by the prison guards.

There are still words in the mouth, "This o is so special, so different, I really like it."


Have been single for a long time and have no interest in others, and only want o violent a.

Others are crazy to provoke Shen Qing.

Shen Qing can beat the a's, it's not a problem, and it's impossible for those rough-skinned a's to be maimed by an o casually, at most it hurts a little.

This is the sturdy combat power of a.

As for everyone else.

They can't stand any of them going crazy.

This is one group at a time.

Don't mess with it.

Life matters, life matters.

Shen light prison life, except for the first day of twists and turns.

The days ahead will be very good.

No one wanted to provoke Shen Qing, and others who wanted to provoke Shen Qing were beaten up by the group of a's.

And since they were beaten by Shen Qing, they were in a very good mood.

After so many years, I finally saw a live o.

Have fun!

Isn't it just being beaten twice by o!

Just hit, don't hurt the cute o's little hands.

Besides, don't be scared by their rudeness, cute o.

Don't ignore them! !

When an a faces an o alone, it will treat it as his own property like Marshal Meiyu does to Shen Qing, and can't control it.

And after a group of a faces an o.

Things are completely different.

As long as there is a single a who wants to approach Shen Qing, he will be besieged by other a.

The audience in the live room is crazy.

This, this also works?

The legendary A's with amazing fighting power are actually like ordinary men when they pursue the o they like.

Not true.

I should say, more stupid, more stupid.

Look at how they sing, dance, punch, show their muscles and so on and so forth.

It's utterly stupid.

Even if Shen Qing dislikes him at a glance, he will be so happy, "Ah, ah, cute o, he gave me a look today."

However, even so.

This a who gets one more glance will be beaten by other jealous a.

But how?

It is indeed the last fighting force of the Xingyuan Empire, no matter what they are beaten by other a.

The next day, they were full of energy and energy.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but change their impression of a, and even a little couldn't help but want to help the a's, let Shen Qing be gentle to them, or, accept it all !

Open a reverse harem or something.

Wait, the harem?

I felt that a bad idea popped up in my mind, and the audience in the live broadcast room felt their faces hurt again.

It is clear that Shen Qing is a scumbag who almost caused an international dispute because of the scum of the four male gods. The scumbag little prince went to collect a harem?

The author has something to say:Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 orchid;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1235 bottles; 1 bottle of fish that love to eat turtle paste;

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