Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 191 The Little Poor Campus Twenty-two

"Huh?" Ruan Ruan raised her delicate face, and looked at the person who blocked her with a little impatience.

Xia Yi's deskmate, the boy who passed the note to him yesterday.

It may be that Ruan Ruan's aura released at a certain moment was too strong, which made the boy named Sun Qiang subconsciously take a step back.

Realizing that he was ashamed like this, Sun Qiang's complexion was a bit complicated, and then he lowered his voice and asked, "Why didn't you go to the appointment last night? Do you know that Xia Yi will turn off the lights in the dormitory when you arrive at 10 o'clock?" When we went back, it suddenly rained heavily, and he was so wet that he had a fever."

Sun Qiang's complexion was not good-looking, and the words he said were also tinged with a bit of aggressiveness.

The little fox was not very happy when he heard this.

Xiumei twitched slightly, Ruan Ruan's voice was still soft and weak, just like her name, but the words she said were clear and piercing: "Why should I go to the appointment? Xia Yi got wet in the rain and got sick with me What does it matter? Did I force him to get in the rain? Or did I say to tie him there and not let him go back?"

Speaking of this, Ruan Ruan paused for a while, and then continued: "His legs don't grow on my body."

After finishing speaking, he bypassed Sun Qiang's arm and returned to his position directly.

The neighbor is a scumbag, so naturally he wouldn't come so early, and came in every day by stepping on the time of class.

Ruan Ruan retorted, making Sun Qiang blush.

Last night, Xia Yi waited for more than an hour, but no one came.

He might be a little stubborn in his bones, the more Ruan Ruan didn't come, the more he struggled. As a result, around 9:30 in the evening, it started to rain, and it started to rain heavily.

Xia Yi was drenched in the rain and stubbornly refused to go back. In the end, the two boys in the same dormitory couldn't stand it anymore and pulled them back.

Although Xia Yi is handsome and handsome, he is very thin and his physique is not very good.

It rained last night, so I simply cleaned up and went to bed.

As a result, when he got up in the morning, Sun Qiang found that he had a fever, and he was sent to the infirmary in time. Fortunately, the fever was not high, so he received an injection and took medicine, and now he is arranged to rest in the dormitory.

But Sun Qiang, who knew what happened last night, was worthless for Xia Yi.

So when he came here in the morning, he stopped the person, but Ruan Ruan slapped him so much, which extinguished a lot of his arrogance.

However, he was not a naughty boy. After being bored for a long time, he said: "We are all classmates, so don't you just watch him get sick?"

Probably Sun Qiang's thinking was very naive. He felt that since Ruan Ruan liked Xia Yi, Xia Yi's illness was her chance to show off.

But how could Ruan Ruan remain unmoved?

It's just so heartless.

"You are also a classmate, and I didn't see that you didn't go to class to take care of him." Ruan Ruan laughed angrily at Sun Qiang's words, and originally didn't intend to pay attention.

But there are so many students in the classroom watching the excitement, another one, Ruan Ruan doesn't intend to have any ambiguity with Xia Yi.

It's just a weak chicken hamster, and the little fox doesn't like it.

Now Sun Qiang has the intention of picking things apart, Ruan Ruan thinks this is an opportunity to clarify.

So, I didn't intend to speak at first, but now I suddenly said something with a chuckle.

"You, don't you like him? You should take care of him at this time." Sun Qiang was stupid, but he couldn't get angry at Xia Yi, so he murmured for a long time, and finally said something abruptly.

Thank you, little angel Lingjiu, for your reward~

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