Probably because there are more and more stars on the wrist, so that self-cultivation slowly changed the coolness of the fox clan in the little fox's bones.

The little fox wants to do something for this country, even if the history cannot be changed in the end, but he is willing to work hard for this goal for the rest of his life.

New-style women, new-style women, not only need to be able to speak foreign languages, wear western clothes, and resist the old forces.

I am also willing to really step out of the house for this country and become a useful and heroic woman of the new era!

Hearing what the little fox said, Chen Jinhe was silent for a long time.

Those years of hard climbing, no one knows better than him what it is like to be pushed down at the bottom.

In today's country, the foreign enemies are stalking, and the inside and outside are not necessarily happy.

Therefore, if you want to change and redeem, then you must work hard.

It's not that he is working hard alone, but that the people of the whole country are going to change from the bottom of their hearts, and start working hard from the heart.

"Okay." Chen Jinhe said a good word again this night.

Just after one word fell, he smiled and said: "I have worked hard for half my life, and I never thought about what to do with so much money, but now I seem to understand."

He worked so hard in the first half of his life, but he still climbed to a high position, above others, as if he was waiting for someone and a change.

He didn't want his countrymen to one day, like he did in his early years, lie under the feet of others and live without a backbone.

He didn't want this mountain and river to be broken, and this ten-mile foreign market would just become a false prosperity.

He doesn't want his Ah Ruan to be sad, so if this is what she wants, he at least has ten thousand family fortunes to offer.

If you want to go north and seize power, you must at least have a foundation for starting a business.

The wealth I have accumulated over the years is probably enough for a period of time.


He can make more money, of course, by working hard with Ruan Ruan.

His Ah Ruan has the world in his heart, so Chen Jinhe, a man who has been fierce for half his life, is also willing to be a good person for a while.

As long as his Ah Ruan is happy, he can do anything.

That sentence of willing to give her life is really not a joke.

For his Ah Ruan, Chen Jinhe would do anything.

Ruan Ruan didn't expect such a result.

It's just that after Chen Jinhe finished speaking, he suddenly became very clingy.

Pressing people down over and over again, without the slightest sign of being tired, if the little fox hadn't been blessed with spiritual power, he might have been squeezed dry by him.

Now that we have said that we must shoulder the responsibility for the awakening of this country, then we must let go of our hands and feet.

Ruan Ruan first resigned as a teaching assistant at the school and bid farewell to the teachers.

Although I didn't want to tell them the truth, but after thinking about it, if they were willing to change their thinking, they were willing to seek change from the bottom of their bones.

So is it for their students to teach this kind of thought?

Considering these, Ruan Ruan expressed his thoughts, of course, some important ones have not been disclosed yet.

Until Ruan Ruan left, those teachers and advanced students still didn't react.

After a long time, someone suddenly shouted out: "Protect me Huaxia, everyone is responsible!"

After the sound, other people shouted excitedly.

One sound is higher than the other, and the sound is more exciting than the sound.

The blood hidden in those people's bones was finally released by Ruan Ruan himself.

Even if there is really no way to change the final history, the ending will definitely not be as miserable as it is written in the history books.

Today's 8th update~

Thank you to all the little angels for their support, Chacha will work harder!

Tomorrow this world will end~

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