Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 281 Cultivating Immortals is worse than Growing Sweet Potatoes II

In this world where immortals fly around and demons run around.

The original owner, Ruan Ruan, was a simple human being, but her family, and even the whole village, were all killed by the demons.

Because the original owner was naughty, he ran into the deep mountains to play, so he became the only survivor in the village.

When she rushed back, the whole village had become a sea of ​​corpses, and there was no one alive.

The little girl was frightened half to death, but finally gritted her teeth and started wandering.

The original owner of this world has a simple mind and a low IQ. The wandering original owner recognized a master who was a juggler, and the master was willing to take her with him so that she would not be allowed to wander and starve to death.

The original owner happily followed the master to the rivers and lakes, and heard many interesting rumors because of the rivers and lakes.

The original owner is not interested in other things, only heard that the spirit potatoes grown by various sects are full of spiritual energy, and they are also very delicious.

After listening for a long time, the original owner buried a deep wish in his heart.

She wants to grow sweet potatoes.

In the little girl's simple and rough thinking, she thought that cultivating immortals is not as good as growing sweet potatoes.

Anyway, whether it is a human being or those immortals who need spiritual energy to cultivate immortals, don't they all need to eat?

Therefore, becoming a big sweet potato family and planting sweet potatoes will surely become a winner in life.

This is the wish list of the original owner in this world: to become a big sweet potato owner.

The little fox had eaten sorghum rice mixed with sweet potatoes for several years in the last world, but when he came to this world, he had to grow it himself.

This is also the reason why the little fox didn't even want to say anything when he arrived in the new world.

It is really this task...

It's not difficult, it's just too fucked up.

However, the little girl from the original owner was confused, but Ruan Ruan read the plot carefully, not missing a single point, and even analyzed the plot in her heart for a while to hide it.

There is one particularly small detail.

That is, after the death of the hero in the previous life, the villain and his fellow apprentices only cared about celebrating, and left without caring about the body of the hero.

It was the little girl from the original owner who was passing by, seeing this man's corpse exposed in the wilderness was very pitiful, so she buried him.

The soul of the male protagonist is still there, seeing this scene, he firmly believes in his heart that if he has the opportunity, he must repay the favor.

It's just a pity that the two only had a first acquaintance looking back at the foot of the mountain on the day the male lead entered Tongshan sect.

Then, the original mainstream wandered around the rivers and lakes, and the hero worked hard to get promoted.

In the plot, the two never met again.

"The male lead looks good." At this time, the latest batch of young boys had already arrived at the foot of the Tongshan sect, and they were about to follow their senior brothers and step into the Tongshan sect.

Among this group of teenagers, there is a teenager who looks about 14 or 5 years old, with straight features, clear eyebrows, steady steps, and a concise temperament, with a hint of youth and maturity.

This is the hero of the plot, Lu Yusheng.

Ruan Ruan took advantage of her good angle to see clearly. Of course, she also saw Lu Yusheng looking back.

When he met his gaze, there seemed to be some kind of fire beating in the bottom of his eyes, he just pursed his lips, and finally turned around and followed up the mountain.

Lu Yusheng's clothes were simple, even a little shabby. His clothes were washed white, and his trousers were a little short. It was not new at first glance.

Regarding Lu Yusheng's life experience, it was also mentioned in the plot. It was similar to the original owner. The village was invaded by the demons, and most of the people died. Some children went to the mountains to play and escaped.

Lu Yusheng is one of them.

And just when he entered the mountain today, Lu Yusheng had the chance to be reborn and opened up the memories of his previous life!

That's why the young man was so mature and steady at this time.

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