Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 2852 Your Mecha My Heart Fourteen

Lu Shaonong is a mechanic after all.

At this time, I directly broke the password of the AI ​​​​car and then changed the program.

Then the AI ​​car flew directly from the ground like a mecha.

Then he jumped over the people blocking his way and left.

Finally, the announcement was no longer heard. Lu Shaonong, who was originally a little annoyed, was slowly soothed and then closed his eyes slightly.

Jumped directly from the ground into the air.

There is also the case for flying cars.

However, in order to reduce the interference to personal mechas on the main star, the speeding cars on the main star will only appear during the day.

It will not appear during the night time period.

Because I am afraid that if the view is not good, something will happen again.

Now that Lu Shaonong appeared, everyone was shocked.

Many people also took short videos and prepared to complain about it on StarNet.

Sun Rushi was immediately stunned.

She directly used a small machine to interfere with the system of the AI ​​​​car, making it impossible for the other party to move forward, and then was blocked by herself.

Her idea was simple. Since she was on the previous planet, she couldn't get close to Lu Shaonong.

Then when she returns to the main star, she can just think of another way.

Therefore, after returning, she took the initiative to say goodbye to those who saved her.

Then we waited at the spaceship.

The reason why we knew that Lu Shaonong would come back by spaceship was because of the celebrity Lu Shaolin.

Because Lu Shaolin also sent a StarNet message in the afternoon.

Then, it made the headlines.

[Lu Shaolin: Haha, someone is so miserable. The mecha breaks down and he can only come back by spaceship. Rain or shine, the main star is waiting for you, Xiao Nonnon. 】

Lu Shaolin always loved his younger brother, and he was like a naive child who liked to tease him.

As soon as he said this, everyone knew it.

Sun Rushi also inquired about it and found out that Lu Shaonong probably came back from the position behind Thirty Stars.

Then the time to reach the main star is probably at night.

She has been waiting at the spaceship point since 8 o'clock.

She only waited for Lu Shaonong to get off the spacecraft, and then she blocked the route.

As long as she stops people, she has the confidence to impress Lu Shaonong, who has the softest heart, and then let her enter the military academy.

However, she did everything well.

And Lu Shaonong is not always soft-hearted.

Because of this, he doesn't often go to the battlefield and does more mechanical research behind the scenes.

But why?

He was hit, but he didn't get out of the car to take a look.

Instead, they directly changed the program and turned the ordinary AI car into a speeding car?


Sun Rushi looked at the car that flew away, her face was as dark as ink, too dark to be seen.

Two times in a row, the plan failed to materialize, which made Sun Rushi very emotional.

But what can be done?

She had no choice but to support this dilapidated stall left to her by the original owner.

Of course Lu Shaonong was anxious to go back.

The mecha is always in a weak state, who can withstand it?

Therefore, Lu Shaonong was anxious to go home and enter the laboratory.

He didn't know if the mecha was too weak, would it have any impact on the little girl?

Could it be the sequelae caused by becoming sperm?

Lu Shaonong was so anxious, how could he have time to care about other people?

Maybe the original owner was a soft-hearted person.

But the dog is not.

The little fox felt relieved.

Lu Shaonong went home directly, and then explained his problem on StarNet.

After all, driving a car at night without explanation would not look good.

[Lu Shaonong: Sorry, I brought everyone’s attention to it. There was something wrong with the mecha, so I rushed back to the laboratory. I’m extremely sorry. 】

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