Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 2869 Your Mecha My Heart Thirty Two

As a young man or a girl from a grand duke's family, these social interactions are inevitable.

Lu Shaonong didn't feel bored or anything.

He was originally very gentle, and some social interactions were inevitable in life.

What's more, he and the eldest princess are still very good friends.

Therefore, after cleaning up, he followed Grand Duke Lu into the federal royal banquet room.

The hall is large and there is a whole garden behind it.

Although the royal family of the Federation cannot be regarded as extravagant, they are not considered frugal either.

Therefore, the palace design is still extremely beautiful and luxurious.

Today is Grand Guild Mu Zeyu’s birthday, so the federal royal family is naturally very concerned about it.

"San Shao Lu." Just when Lu Shaonong was thinking about whether he should find a place to take a nap and then fall in love with his little girl, a voice suddenly came to his ears.

Lu Shaonong turned around and took a look, then nodded slightly as a greeting: "Second Princess."

Lu Shaonong greeted him politely, and his voice sounded like soft water touching a rock, making people feel happy.

Mu Ying was indeed very happy to hear it.

Unfortunately, she didn't have much interest in Lu Shaonong. She just ran into him, so she said hello.

She was accustomed to playing both sides, and didn't want to give others the feeling that she was being rude.

So, if you meet someone, you will say hello.

In order to avoid being seen by others later and saying that I was rude.

after all……

She is not a serious second princess.

The little fox also knew this.

Since he learned how to absorb the power of the universe, Ruan Ruan has now learned how to open his eyes in the storage space and see everything around Lu Shaonong at any time.

Just like this, Ruan Ruan could see this so-called second princess.

Wearing a beautiful silver dress, she made her figure look very beautiful.

The other party was very tall, probably around 180.

The friends in Interstellar are all quite tall.

But women of this height are also extremely tall.

Fortunately, the other person is very thin, which makes her look less strong.

There is a hint of tenderness in the other person's eyes, which makes people look at them and they will be attracted unconsciously.

In particular, the way the other person behaves when he is weak and boneless will make people feel charming and charming.

However, Lu Shaonong obviously had no such idea.

He maintained his politeness on the surface and just wanted to send Mu Ying away and then find a place to take a nap.

He missed the little girl.

Even though the two of them had just met in a dream last night.

But not seeing him for one day is like three autumns.

He couldn't wait any longer.

Only when he sees people can he feel at ease.

However, Mu Ying did not leave even after saying hello.

What does it mean?

Lu Shaonong was not very good at showing his impatience, so he made a slight gesture and prepared to change places to see if he could get some sleep.

As a result, Mu Ying smiled apologetically and said: "Master Lu, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. The main reason is that I suddenly can't move my feet. Can you help me a little?"

Mu Ying said and smiled sheepishly.

At the same time, she took out her beautiful top hat.

Then he signaled to Lu Shaonong.

Mu Ying was quite polite. Even if she wanted Lu Shaonong to help her, she didn't want to have direct physical contact. Instead, she wanted to put a hat in the middle.

Lu Shaonong was originally unhappy.

But after thinking about it, I still compromised.

He always had a gentle temperament, and wanted to give the second princess some face.

After nodding, he gently held the other side of the hat.

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