Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 2919 Predestined relationship in previous life, continued twenty in this life

"What major does Xiao Ruan like?" Upon hearing that Ruan Ruan had taught herself, Lu's mother felt relieved, and then asked.

Ruan Ruan thought for a while, in fact, there are so many worlds, many majors have been learned, at first let the little fox pick it, but it really can't pick it for a while.

When I couldn't become a human, I thought about it a lot.

But after becoming a human, I have tried it in various worlds.

After thinking about it for a while, Ruan Ruan said, "I learned painting in the mountains in elementary school, or maybe it's related to the art major."

After listening to it, Mother Lu made up what she didn't know, and then said with a smile: "Then major in design, and then go to high-end jewelry design."

Their family has a lot of jade stones that have been sucked by the boss.

Although the jade without aura, the quality and luster will drop a lot.

However, it is not impossible to make jewelry.

So, it is not impossible to go this way.

In the future, let Ruan Ruan join the company as the chief designer.

Lu Zixian: ...!

I'd better eat.

"Thank you, Auntie." Ruan Ruan has no objection to this.

While talking, the food was served.

Mother Lu invited Ruan Ruan to dinner for a purpose, so she didn't mean to keep her mouth shut.

Halfway through eating, I thought about it, and asked cautiously: "Xiao Ruan, can auntie invite you to my house for a few days? Auntie doesn't mean anything malicious, but auntie has a sick son at home, and auntie is looking at you Coming from the deep mountains, it has a lot of aura, maybe it can have some influence on my son, so..."

Mother Lu also knew that her request was a little too much when they first met.

But I think about the hexagram that Lu's father calculated before.

The fate is in the deep mountains, and the line is in the jade.

The person who complied with both is Ruan Ruan, so she can't wait, her son...

The most gifted son.

When Ruan Ruan heard this, two important words automatically filtered out of her ears.

Get ill.

And then there was a son.

This means that besides Lu Zixian, the Lu family has another son.

And this son has a high probability of being a dog.

Because Mother Lu has breath, Lu Zixian also has breath.

And this person must be their closest relative, otherwise, the breath would not be so strong.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the people who lived with them.

Either way, Ruan Ruan needs to take the initiative to come to the door.

So Ruan Ruan really couldn't wish for Lu's mother's request.

Originally, she was still trying to find a way to see if she could come to visit her as a guest.

Now look at...


The other party took the initiative to hand over the ladder, and he went down by himself.

"Auntie, it's okay. I have a relationship with Auntie, so naturally I don't care about these small details." Ruan Ruan said softly and grandly, and Mother Lu felt very comfortable.

So, this is a predestined person, it must be.

Otherwise, when others heard about the sick eldest son of his family, they would not dare to approach him.

Only Ruan Ruan, this soft and kind little girl, agreed directly after she said a few words.

"Then I'll ask Zixian to pick you up tomorrow, and I'll go home today to clean up, and..." When it came to tomorrow's affairs, Mother Lu started to talk more.

He started to ask Ruan Ruan what kind of fruits and vegetables he likes, and prepare them at home tomorrow.

Ruan Ruan even asked what kind of flowers and fragrances she likes.

Afraid that she might not be able to remember the details, Mother Lu even took out the memo on her phone...

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