Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 2931 Predestined relationship in previous life, continued thirty-two in this life

The current Lu Mingshu didn't want Lu Chenzhou to wake up.

Lu Mingshu even hoped that Lu Chenzhou would just sleep for a long time.

Never, never wake up.

After all, if Lu Chenzhou is not awake, then she, Lu Mingshu, may always be the king of the Lu family.

Before the next generation's gifted son appears, she, Lu Mingshu, will be an unshakable existence in the Lu family!

However, the talented son of the Lu family just woke up.

Lu Mingshu took a deep breath, met Ruan Ruan's gaze, and was stunned.

Because Ruan Ruan's gaze at this moment is half a smile but not a smile, revealing a bit of deep meaning.

Lu Mingshu felt that something was wrong. Although Ruan Ruan had just come to the Lu family, the Lu family was not a normal family in the first place, and it was normal to have some special abilities.

Therefore, it is not that they did not investigate Ruan Ruan.

Naturally, he also knew that this little girl was brought back by Lu Zixian from outside. It is said that her identity is unknown and she grew up in the mountains.

But at this moment, looking at Ruan Ruan's gaze, that gaze, always felt that something was wrong.

Lu Mingshu wanted to say something, but Ruan Ruan had already looked away.

At this moment, in the living room on the first floor, there were only two people left, Lu Mingshu and Second Uncle Lu, standing here awkwardly.

I want to leave, it's not good looking.

But want to stay?

The whole Lu family is celebrating Lu Chenzhou's awakening, and no one will care about their father and daughter.

So, what to do?

This is too embarrassing.

After Lu Chenzhou appeased Lu Zixian, he followed Lu's father back to the room.

"I only took the hexagram and said that your destiny is in the mountains. I didn't expect it to be Xiaoruan." Father Lu was still excited at the moment.

Speaking to Lu Chenzhou now, his voice was still trembling.

After hearing this, Lu Chenzhou smiled and didn't say anything on the surface, but he said in his heart: "Of course I have a predestined relationship with her."

Not just this time, but many, many times.

However, there is no need to tell Father Lu and the others about these, so as not to worry them.

I guess I got these opportunities because of the particularity of the Lu family's blood.

It's good to wake up, it's better to remember the past.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ruan Ruan is by his side.

This is more important than anything else.

Originally, Lu Chenzhou thought that when he woke up, Ruan Ruan would not appear in his own world.

But for some unknown reason, there was a voice calling to him all the time.

Wake up, whatever you want, after you wake up, you will have it.

Because of this, Lu Chenzhou slowly woke up.

Maybe this is the destiny in the dark.

He and Ruan Ruan have missed each other for so many years, and they have been wasted for so many years, and now they can finally meet.

He is no longer the monk who devoted himself to asking questions ten thousand years ago.

And Ruan Ruan is no longer the vixen of ten thousand years ago, no longer a demon cultivator that monks can't touch.

Now, he is a human being, and Ruan Ruan is also a human being.

They can finally be together without hindrance.

Such a perception, such a feeling.

In these worlds, the time that two people experienced together and loved together.

Thinking about it now, it's all sweet.

She deserves to be treated well by herself, and to be treated better by herself.

Considering Lu Chenzhou's body, Lu's father didn't speak for too long, and finally gave space and time to Ruan Ruan and Lu Chenzhou.

Father Lu didn't know that these two people still had a lot to say.

At this moment, there were only two people left in the room.

The four eyes meet each other, the eyebrows and eyes seem to be poetic and picturesque, and they seem to be boiling hot in the galaxy.

They were separated by tens of thousands of years, and finally met again after ten thousand years.

This time, you won't miss it again.

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