Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 323 Cultivating Immortals is worse than Growing Sweet Potatoes Forty-Four

Ruan Ruan's clothes of outer disciples had been put into his storage ring by Lu Yusheng.

This is what Ah Ruan has worn, and he wants to keep it.

As for what Ruan Ruan is wearing now?

The master has agreed to accept Ah Ruan into the inner sect, and now he is a disciple of the inner sect.

Therefore, Lu Yusheng used a particularly fine piece of silk gauze to transform into an inner disciple's costume and put it on Ruan Ruan.

Ruan Ruan, who had changed into a layer of white clothes, directly hooked Lu Yusheng's heart in a holy way.

Lu Yusheng held back for a long time, and finally bowed his head to the beauty.

Gently kissed Ruan Ruan's forehead, and didn't dare to take a step closer.

After Ruan Ruan washed the marrow, the spiritual root was reshaped into a rare alienated water spirit root - ice spirit root.

If it was just the water spirit root, Ruan Ruan's reshaping of the spirit root would be much more embarrassing.

Because most of the female monks of the water spirit root are furnace tripods.

If Ruan Ruan turned into a furnace physique after eating the Sanqing fruit, although Lu Yusheng was not afraid of trouble.

But the world of cultivating immortals is not all gentlemen, and there are some cultivators who go astray. If they know Ruan Ruan, an excellent female monk like Ruan Ruan, they will be very moved.

No matter how talented Lu Yusheng is, and even if he has the chance to be reborn, his current strength is not enough to protect Ruan Ruan.

Therefore, if Ruan Ruan is really reshaped into Shui Lingen, it is estimated that Lu Yusheng will not be safe for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, God treats them well.

The water spirit root is only temporary, and soon it directly evolved into a mutant spirit root of the water spirit root.

The more terrifying ice spirit root.

"This world is really not very friendly to me." Ruan Ruan sighed when she saw that the spiritual root was finally reshaped.

In fact, after the remodeling of Ruan Ruan Linggen, it really is the embarrassing Shui Linggen.

But who is the little fox, in order to avoid future troubles, the little fox used a little trick, and the water spirit root directly mutated into the ice spirit root.

The little fox is not afraid of things, but now that he is bound to Lu Yusheng, some things are not easy to expose.

Therefore, more things are worse than less things.

And my task in this world couldn't be simpler, it's just a question.

Just plant sweet potatoes.

lord it over?

The little fox who has practiced for many years is not interested in this.

Therefore, it is most suitable to grow sweet potatoes well without trouble.

The news that Lord Danfeng had accepted Ruan Ruan into the inner sect did not hide the news from others.

Although everyone felt a little awkward, but seeing Ruan Ruan's rebuilt strength, they all shut up honestly.

Of course, Danfeng is extremely harmonious up and down.

It is the other people who are not happy.

Among them, Li Yourong is the most powerful.

The spare tire ran away disobediently, and the junior who was optimistic about him refused to become a Taoist partner with him.

Not only that, but the other party directly locked a person with a magic weapon such as the lovesickness lock.

This time Li Yourong was completely out of thoughts of stalking her.

Why bother?

She has been tied to another person all the time, and when she went to pester her, maybe that little bitch from the outer sect was by her side.

"What's wrong with me, what's wrong with me!" Li Yourong has been going crazy recently, and the medicine furnace has exploded one after another.

Yaofeng's disciples could always hear explosions in Li Yourong's pharmacy.

At the beginning, it will be a little surprising.

After a long time, everyone got used to it.

When Li Yourong passed out with black eyes again, Master Yaofeng fed another Qingxin Pill in distress.

The Qingxin pill given by the master of Danfeng, the master of Yaofeng was not willing to eat one, so he gave it all to Li Yourong.

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