Light smoke curled up, and voices burst out.

When he first entered the new world, the little fox could only hear whispers, all of them were women.

Slowly opening his eyes, he looked around quickly.

This is a particularly luxurious hall, with carved beams and painted buildings, and elegant decoration.

All the furniture is made of fine mahogany, and the floor is covered with thick dark brown foreign blankets, which look comfortable and soft.

On the left and right sides, there are four young women sitting. They are gorgeously dressed, have exquisite hair accessories, and have different looks.

Behind the four sitting women stood a group of beauties.

The position of the little fox is right in the center.

"Give me the plot." After briefly passing the current scene, the little fox was not in a hurry to speak, and let the women chatter.

9488 is extremely fast, and the little fox is blessed with spiritual power, so it looks even faster.

This is an ancient world, which tells the touching love story between Emperor Yuan Licheng of Great Xia and a folk girl Zhao Handong.

The beginning of the story is very clichéd. The emperor Yuan Licheng, who does not have much real power, visits privately in a micro-service, but is in danger and is rescued by the girl Zhao Handong.

Yuan Licheng was very moved, and in getting along with Zhao Handong, Yuan Licheng was moved by Zhao Handong's tenacity, kindness and caring, and finally directly revealed his identity and took Zhao Handong back to the palace.

But Zhao Handong is a commoner girl with no power and power, and now that the situation in the former dynasty is also tense, Yuan Licheng actually doesn't have much real power in his hands.

In desperation, Yuan Licheng could only hold back and put Zhao Handong in an inconspicuous position in the harem.

It wasn't until Yuan Licheng finally got rid of the general and other important courtiers and firmly held the power in his hands that he began to dote on Zhao Handong in a fair and honest manner.

Zhao Handong was also promoted from concubine to concubine, and finally entered the middle palace and became the master of the harem. Even later, Yuan Licheng dismissed the harem for her and only favored one person.

It has truly become a couple for a lifetime, which has become a good story for later generations.

If you only look at the surface, this is a touching love story.

The original owner was one of Yuan Licheng's poor harem.

It would be fine if it was just an ordinary concubine in the harem, but the problem is that the original owner Ruan Ruan, as the daughter of a great general, was the noble concubine of Yuan Licheng, who was once favored for a while.

It was only later that the general was punished because he wanted to rebel.

It was briefly mentioned in the plot, but 9488 opened the original owner's archive together, only to find that there are too many shady things mixed in the love of a couple in this life.

The former emperor of Great Xia had many princes, and because he was extremely suspicious, he hadn't died yet, and the battle for the crown prince had already reached a fever pitch.

The result of this is that everyone fights to the death and life, and in the end they take advantage of the unfavored prince Yuan Licheng.

Yuan Licheng is a smart man. After he ascended the throne, he hugged the thighs of the courtiers tightly and dragged all the daughters of the courtiers into the palace.

To achieve a result of restraining the front and the harem.

Ruan Ruan, as the first daughter of a great general, was placed in the position of favorite concubine by Yuan Licheng.

At the beginning, it was just to contain the previous court, but after Zhao Handong entered the palace, the original owner Ruan Ruan became a moving target.

Yuan Licheng gave her all the favors of the prosperous age, making the original owner attract all the firepower of the harem, but he never really pampered her.

The people around the original owner were changed too much by Yuan Licheng, and extra ingredients were added to the incense every night.

After the original owner was fainted by the incense, Yuan Licheng would quietly leave and go to Zhao Handong's palace not far away.

It wasn't until the death of the original owner that I learned the truth about this secret!

new world, heavy taste

Little Fox X Dead Eunuch (Real eunuch, not fake)

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