Yuan Licheng originally wanted to execute Lian Cang directly.

Although he knew in his heart that Zhao Handong's child was his, not Lian Cang's.

But when he thinks of what the concubine said just now, the scene of Lian Cang and Zhao Handong getting along with each other before, will keep appearing in Yuan Licheng's mind.

He is the king of a country, how can he tolerate his own woman giving him a green hat.

Once the seeds of doubt are planted, especially for an emperor like Yuan Licheng who is already suspicious.

As for the concubine's words, no matter how calm she is, she still has to believe one or two points.

At this time, it is impossible for Lian Cang not to be indifferent.

But execution?

Yuan Licheng couldn't bear it, on the one hand, after all, he didn't have many confidants, Lian Cang was one of them.

On the other hand, it was because Yuan Licheng felt that it was too easy to execute him like this!

He wants to keep Lian Cang, let him watch him fall in love with Zhao Handong, and then have a bunch of children!

"Dragged out, sentenced to castration, temporarily imprisoned in Ye Court." Yuan Licheng gritted his teeth and said the last few words.

After speaking, I was going to shake my sleeves and leave, but I couldn't bear Zhao Handong to face so many empresses and concubines alone.

Turning around and exiting the inner room, sitting on the soft couch in the outer room, Yuan Licheng had a complex expression.

But Ruan Ruan didn't seem to know how to look at his face, and his voice was still soft, with a provocative ending: "Your Majesty, my concubine wants to eat lychees, but these servants from the Ministry of Internal Affairs actually fooled my concubine by saying There are no lychees in this season, Your Majesty is the king of a country, can you let those lychees grow?"

At this time, the imperial concubine with big breasts and no brains, who loves to die, actually wants to act like a baby.

Concubine Xian watched coldly, and for the first time felt that Concubine Ruan was actually quite pitiful.

If it weren't for the fact that the general's mansion had a lot of soldiers, the cold-hearted and heartless emperor would have killed her first, wouldn't he?

In the room, Zhao Handong had already been given abortion pills by the palace servants, and now he was tossing and turning in pain, so uncomfortable that he would die!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." Zhao Handong raised his voice, his voice extremely sad.

This made Yuan Licheng think that every night, the voice of Xiao Dong'er when she was blooming beautifully under him made his heart twitch.

Probably thinking of the past tenderness, Yuan Licheng fooled Ruan Ruan with a few words, and wanted to go into the inner room to have a look.

"Your Majesty, the inner room is bloody, Your Majesty should not go in." Concubine Xian stopped him without hesitation.

Yuan Licheng sniffed the bloody smell in the air lightly, and his heart ached.

At the same time, he also strengthened his determination to take back the power, otherwise his little Dong'er would still suffer in the future!

"Father, this child..." 9488 felt that this scene was actually a bit cruel, especially when he heard Zhao Handong's yelling again and again, he trembled with fright.

It wants to say, is this child too innocent?

And according to its understanding of the spicy chicken fox, although the little fox has always had no integrity, its three views are good.

At this time, he suddenly attacked an innocent child...

"You want to say that this child is innocent?" To this, the little fox just smiled and asked.

9488 did not dare to speak.

Ruan Ruan didn't care, and just pointed out a part of the original owner's memory archive to 9488: "When the original owner was stabbed alive, the child was already 5 years old, and he was hiding behind the screen, quietly looking at everything, But that child, what was in his eyes at that time was neither fear nor disgust, but excitement..."

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