"Don't tell me, Wei Chen is pretty good-looking." Just now, after a brief introduction, some girls in the class have already started to look at Wei Chen quietly.

Wei Chen is very tall, about 180, and there are some senior high school boys who grow up to this height, but not most of them.

Tall and thin, with a good-looking face, the most important thing is that when he came in just now, the sleeves on his arms were rolled up, revealing the strong muscles on his forearms, which made all the girls salivate.

The facial features are three-dimensional, the eyes are deep, and the corners of the lips are always subconsciously twirling with a careless and naughty smile.

The skin color is not Feng Nan's white that is about to reflect the light, nor is Ruan Ruan's white and ruddy, but a wheat color, which makes people feel excited when they look at it.

"Not bad." The little fox sighed twice in succession.

As soon as 9488 became a full-time member, he didn't dare to say anything, so he watched silently, and at the same time thought about it in his heart, if it sold top-quality candles in every world, would it be able to make money?

The original owner is not bad looking, she is a pretty and graceful little girl.

Although it is not stunning, it is already a good look.

At least among the girls in the class of the third year of high school, Ruan Ruan can stand out within three seconds and make everyone notice her.

At first glance, it must be the appearance.

and nothing else.

Qiao Huan was quietly playing games.

Anyway, the teacher doesn't care too much, as long as she is not too high-profile, she is actually fine.

However, in this round, the teammates were particularly pitiful, no matter how good she was, she couldn't fly.

In desperation, he clicked surrender, and he didn't want to fight anymore.

Turning her head to look, Qiao Huan was startled.

Her deskmate was actually taking class notes!

Fuck! ! !

Qiao Huan felt that she was really lying in her heart.

Even if the deskmate listens carefully, he doesn't take notes very much, otherwise he would have already entered the ranks of academic masters, so why should he mess with these scumbags?

But what does she see now?

Her deskmate was actually taking notes!

It was very neat, and compared to the previous class where her mind was distracted, her deskmate listened very carefully in today's class, and even her small movements when playing games were not affected!

Qiao Huan was startled, and glanced quietly.

I found that the handwriting was still the same handwriting, but the strokes were sharp and sharp that I couldn't understand.

Today's tablemate is very different.

"Ruan Ruan, are you listening to class?" Qiao Huan asked in a low voice.

"En." Ruan Ruan replied very coldly, her voice was not loud.

But Qiao Huan didn't give Qiao Huan any attention, and followed the teacher's train of thought the whole time.

Qiao Huan: ...

Is it really a fake tablemate?

Qiao Huan was a little surprised.

But he didn't say much, it's none of her business anyway.

This inning has already been voted, let's start over the next inning.

Zhou Lei is also catching up on sleep.

I played games until midnight last night, and barely got up in the morning.

At this moment, he was so sleepy that his eyelids were twitching, Zhou Lei wished he could just fall asleep.

When Ruan Ruan was following the teacher's train of thought, she also distractedly glanced at Feng Nan.

The boy that the original owner had a crush on was white and clean, not the type that the little fox likes.

But it is undeniable that Feng Nan is good-looking, but not feminine, and has a good personality and is better at studying.

Is a very gentle boy.

When I was a student, the boys that little girls liked can be roughly divided into two types.

One is good for learning, and the other is good for fighting.

A girl with a soft heart like the original owner, of course likes Feng Nan who has studied well.

It's just that she never thought that according to fate, the one she loved deeply in the end was Wei Chen who had fought well.

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