Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 521 Campus Cookies Twenty-Five

"Dad, you really did it." Back home, 9488 sighed.

"What's the matter with Zuo, Zuo Weichen also likes it." In response, the little fox snorted softly.

Then he asked back: "Is there something wrong with the street lamp at the intersection?"

The little fox had been interested in teasing Wei Chen before, but he didn't pay attention to observe the situation in the dark.

But how could she not feel such a strong light?

Just teasing Wei Chen is obviously more interesting than these.

And there is still 9488, so I don't need to worry about anything.

"Someone took a picture of you kissing." 9488 only detected people and their movements.

For the rest, it still depends on Ruan Ruan.

"It seems that some people can't sit still." Ruan Ruan just smiled at this.

However, the smile was slightly cold and had some meaning.

9488 was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak, and was even considering whether to hide in the small dark room. Although it was dark there, it felt safe!

The next day, Ruan Ruan went to school as usual, brushing up on the questions.

Wei Chen has worked harder recently.

It was probably stimulated by Ruan Ruan's words.

No fighting, no basketball, not even going out to play during class.

The hands are full of basic sets of senior one and senior two.

He patiently brushed through the questions over and over again, and then found the problem and sorted it out in his notes.

In just half a month, there were already two thick volumes of notes on Wei Chen's desk.

Zhou Lei was so stimulated that he also quietly followed the study recently.

Occasionally, if I don't understand, I will borrow notes from Wei Chen.

Half a month later, the Xiangcheng Evening News had a very small section, criticizing the City No. 2 Middle School by name, saying that there was something wrong with the school ethos of the City No. 2 Middle School.

At the same time, a photo of Wei Chen and Ruan Ruan kissing on the street is attached.

Because it was taken at night, the photo is a bit blurry.

Mosaic was used for privacy.

But the screen can still be roughly seen.

The city's No. 2 Middle School was named and criticized, and the teachers were about to explode.

Of course, it was the headmaster who bombed first.

Ruan Ruan and Wei Chen, without any accident, were invited by their parents.

Ruan's mother came from the Ruan family, a very soft woman.

Of course, it just looks extra soft.

Ruan's mother used to be a well-known lawyer in Xiangcheng.

Wei Chen's family came from one of Wei Chen's aunts.

Wei Chen's parents are really busy. At home, Aunt Wei just came back from a business trip recently, so she can spare some time due to jet lag.

The dean has already dragged Wei Chen and Ruan Ruan to the office and taught them back and forth for a long time.

Although I know that the two people's grades are not good, but this time the incident is so big, the impact is too bad.

"When you are a student, the most important thing is to study. If you delay your studies like this now, you will regret it in the future." The dean can't hit or curse people, and can only start to preach honestly.

Ruan Ruan was given a headache.

Wei Chen may not be willing to listen.

Fortunately, Mother Ruan and Aunt Wei successfully arrived at the battlefield.

The two first shook hands in a friendly manner.

Ruan's mother is a famous lawyer, so Aunt Wei knows her well.

The two of them greeted each other first, and then Aunt Wei looked at the two children who had been educated.

"Sister Ruan, your child is so beautiful, my Wei Xiaochen got a big deal." As soon as Aunt Wei opened her mouth, she made a big move first.

The dean subconsciously felt that it was not very good.

In the end, Ruan's mother looked at Wei Chen, and found that the child looked good, although I heard that his grades were not very good and he always fought.

But it is said that after being with his daughter, he is also learning well.

Now she looks at it, and she is not a bad person.

Nodding, also slightly satisfied.

Thank you for the reward of drinking poison to quench thirst

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