Quickly Accompany You To See the Stars and the Sea

Chapter 590 Wretched development, do not wave thirty-nine

Ruan Ruan is a young rookie after all, so there are not many fans.

However, this matter was still stabbed on Weibo by someone with a heart.

Bai Su was already panicking.

Hearing this news, I want to watch Ruan Ruan's live broadcast again.

However, people have already dropped the broadcast!

It's down!


Bai Su was so angry that he finally took out a cigarette angrily, lit it, and then started watching Ruan Ruan's live broadcast, which was recorded by fans.

Seeing that Ruan Ruan is not like before, he has been messing around, and there is no way to put a real hammer.

During the live broadcast this time, Ruan Ruan also showed everyone a few photos, saying that it would be posted on Weibo tomorrow.

Bai Su clicked on the video to enlarge it and watched it.

Very good, that was half a year ago, Ruan Ruan went to the CL base to take a photo with Wang Chengjiang.

At that time, the two were not separated yet.

Bai Su was so angry that he bit his cigarette and called Wang Chengjiang.

Shut down!

What the hell!

Bai Su was so angry that he dropped a lot of things.

But her live broadcast is about to start.

Bai Su couldn't even imagine the blood and rain during the live broadcast today.

After smoking irritably for a while, Bai Su called Ruan Ruan.


Hit again.

Still busy.

Then hit.

Still busy!

At this time, if Bai Su can't react, she is actually blocked, then she is stupid.

"Ruan Ruan!" Bai Su gritted his teeth angrily, completely forgetting whose east wind was used to get to his current position.

After pinching the cigarette, Bai Su sat on the chair and adjusted for a while before starting to prepare for the live broadcast.

The live broadcast cannot be lost, otherwise the fans will be lost.

Nowadays, Weibo has lost a lot of fans. If she is not more active and thinks no way, this little fan may be lost.

The problem is that those colleagues in the circle have stepped on her very hard recently.

these little people.

Don't give her a chance to turn around!

Bai Su gritted his teeth, too angry.

And Ruan Ruan, who was hated so much by her, had already packed up her salute and went straight to play.

The name rectification can be done on Weibo.

For the rest of the time, the little fox decided to make waves.

It's not easy to have the identity of Bai Fumei again. If you don't waver, I'm sorry to come to this world for a walk.

Wang Chengjiang slept and felt that something was not right.

Although I know that Ruan Ruan broke the news online because he was uncomfortable.

But once she broke the news, it was confirmed.

So his name as a scumbag, isn't it also true?

How about that.

Wang Chengjiang, who cherishes his reputation so much, will of course not allow this to happen.

Thinking of this, Wang Chengjiang took a taxi to look for Ruan Ruan.

First the former small apartment.

Unfortunately, after ringing the doorbell for a long time, no one opened it.

Wang Chengjiang looked frustrated, and then went to Ruan Ruan's other residences.

But no one opened the door.

In the end, in desperation, Wang Chengjiang went to the villa area in the western suburbs.

There is a wealthy villa area, and the main residence of the Ruan family is there.

Wang Chengjiang never had a chance to go there.

Otherwise, he would not choose Bai Su.

The man who couldn't even enter the main house, Wang Chengjiang didn't think Ruan Ruan would come together with him.

In order to avoid provoking a fishy show, he chose Bai Su, which severely hurt Ruan Ruan.

He thought he knew Ruan Ruan's character.

After knowing the separation, the things Ruan Ruan gave him before, as well as the small apartment, will definitely not be taken back.

At most, little girls are entangled for a while.

When the limelight came, Ruan Ruan wouldn't bother him any more, and he had a small apartment for nothing, plus a lot of belongings.

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