Feng Chen, who was coaxed by Ruan Ruan until his brows and eyes were stained with joy, naturally didn't know that the cutie in his arms still had so many thoughts.

Ruan Ruan pondered for a while, and almost figured it out.

Although I don't know what the other party entered this world for.

But it should not conflict with your own mission.

Moreover, the other party doesn't seem to have the memory of the deity, and he doesn't have any memories of those worlds in the past.

But it doesn't matter.

Just remember it.

In the past, she remembered every scene.

If one day, we meet in reality.

She, tell him slowly.

Thinking about it this way, Ruan Ruan seemed to be a little more motivated to collect spiritual energy and transform into a human form.

If so, this is fate.

Then she followed the fate, so what?

Your own pleasure is the most important thing.

I just don’t know, does he exist in every world?

After all, in the last world, there was no such thing.

In the evening, everyone ate stewed pork ribs with potatoes, stir-fried pork belly, and put all the rest of the meat into Ruan Ruan's space to keep it fresh.

"These, let's have enough for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." The remaining meat is not too much, after all, it is a piglet, Qian Xiaoyue checked the amount, and gave it to Ruan Ruan.

This meal is fragrant again.

The Shang Zhan team not far away, after the big battle, can finally have a good meal and then sleep.

Of course, I still ate simple rice, and then I opened a few cans.

They also have nothing else to eat.

It's all the materials I found before, so it's actually not bad.

But without comparison there is no harm.

In the distance, the smell of meat wafted into their nostrils as if they didn't want money.

"It's pork, it seems to be potatoes stewed with ribs, I think the potatoes should be stewed very soft, right?" A man said, and at the same time, he was intoxicated with himself.

If you can't eat it, it's good to think about it.

"However, where did the pork and potatoes come from? Aren't they all mutated?" Another man didn't understand the situation, and asked in a low voice.

"Maybe there is something they can do, but potatoes can be stored for a long time. We didn't take this on purpose at the beginning. We made a mistake." Another man said with a bit of regret.

"I don't know if there will be supplies in the next town." Others in the team thought about it and said something else.

Shang Zhan is the same as what everyone eats, and it is also canned food with rice.

In fact, he doesn't like to eat it either. Who would want to eat it when he smells the smell of meat?

But what can be done?

What if you don't eat?

Are you starving?

However, because of his coveting for the fragrance of rice, Shang Zhan strengthened his belief.

Kill Feng Chen's team, then all these supplies will be theirs.

After all, once a space power user dies, all the things will explode.

"Everyone eat well, sleep in the first half of the night, and act in the second half of the night." Shang Zhan said to a few people close to him, and then he ate his food.

No matter how fragrant the smell wafting outside, he could still swallow it.

In order to act in the second half of the night, he must have enough food.

The position where Xu Yan was sitting happened to be stuck in a blind angle of view.

So I heard Shang Zhan's words.

She was still thinking about it in her heart.

Then I reacted.

Shang Zhan is ready to attack Fengchen's team.

After all, the opponent has a lot of supplies, but there are few people.

If they succeed, they can eat meat in the future too!

Thank you FourLeafClover fashion micro store little angel for the reward

Thank you little angels for voting


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