So when we met again, Shang Zhan didn't feel angry at all.

It's just that he looked at Qin Huanhuan several times with complicated eyebrows.

Then he turned and left.

Qin Huanhuan didn't know Shang Zhan's attitude.

But don't kill yourself?

Qin Huanhuan thinks that Shang Zhan may not care about the previous things anymore, right?

Qin Huanhuan didn't dare to think about it.

After Shang Zhan on the other side left, he went directly to check the personnel files of the base.

The focus is on the files of the supernatural beings.

Qin Huanhuan showed double abilities.

Strength and Fire abilities.

And they are all three levels.

It is relatively powerful.

But Shang Zhan is even better.

Now it's a level seven ability.

"There is no record of spatial abilities." Shang Zhan is already suspecting that Qin Huanhuan has a spatial ability that can live in people.

So when I saw these records, I whispered something.

The people following him didn't see it, and didn't dare to ask more questions.

On one side, Shang Zhan and Qin Huanhuan were fighting wits and bravery, and on the other side was Southwest.

Ruan Ruan has already become one with the friends of the research institute.

Ruan Ruan may not be of much help in researching the direction of the vaccine.

But in terms of planting, you can still think of a way.

How to make the rigid land soft, how to make the mutated animals become normal.

This is the main research direction of the small institute.

The direction of the big research institute is still vaccines.

That's the point.

Ruan Ruan and the others studied together for about a month and a half.

It really made them research it.

However, this requires a little experimental field to see the effect.

It cannot be used on a large scale.

The base quickly found a test field.

Now the base has more and more personnel.

There are supernatural beings, and there are ordinary people.

After everyone enters, register in the register.

All doing what they can.

Once the land can grow things, ordinary people will have a higher existence value, instead of relying on supernatural powers to survive.

"Xiao Ruan." Seeing that Ruan Ruan had lost a lot of weight due to research, Feng Chen took him away with distress.

The friends in the research institute are used to it.

Fresh golden dog food, eating too much, is actually not that uncomfortable.

On the contrary, a few young girls saw Feng Chen pampering Ruan Ruan like this, their eyes turned red with jealousy.

Obviously they are still protected by Ruan Ruan, but at this moment, they are jealous of Ruan Ruan's love for Feng Chen.

Even the two girls went to Feng Chen to confess their love behind Ruan Ruan's back.

"Ruan Ruan is with those people in the research institute every day, who knows if it's still innocent, brother Fengchen, I'm clean now, you can check it." The girl was very bold, and began to take off her clothes after speaking. clothes.

Girls are just ordinary people.

She used to rely on her beauty to survive by attaching to another supernatural being.

Now that she has come to the base, seeing Feng Chen doting on Ruan Ruan, she is so envious.

Then I had other thoughts.

From a girl's point of view, a man is an animal that thinks from the lower body. When she takes off her clothes, the other party hooks up honestly?

As a result, her undressing hand just moved.

Feng Chen directly raised his hand and threw him tens of meters away.

"This kind of person doesn't need to stay in the base, no need." Feng Chen didn't deal with it himself, but confessed like this.

Li Long, who has become the project leader of each group, understood as soon as he heard this.

Immediately bring someone to deal with it.

Those who don't have eyes, dare to seduce elder brother behind the back of sister-in-law?


Li Long felt that this girl was actually quite courageous.

Anyway, he didn't dare to provoke his sister-in-law.

That's a little sister-in-law, that's a little bully.

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